Chapter 1: The Move I

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Moving to some secluded town that isn't located on any known map wasn't on Xanders bucket list. His mother seems excited about this whole thing, talking about how this is a "Fresh start for the family," and "You'll make some great friends here.".

He sighed, leaning his head against the car door while gazing lazily out the window. The car is silent, the radio had been turned off when the static began taking over the music. The car passes what seems to be an endless amount of trees lining the sides of the road. He started zoning out when the sound of his name brought him back.

"Hmm" Xander answered, sitting up and looking towards his mother.

"I was telling you were about four more hours from the town." His mother replied, glancing through the rear view at him, smiling slightly.

Oh,he thought, doing a small nod before slouching back over and returning his gaze back towards the window. But his mother wasn't done with him yet.

"I know this was sudden, but I'm sure this will be good for us." His mother paused, glancing at her hands then making eye contact with Xander through the rear view mirror before continuing.

"Not to mention the house was quite cheap as well!" She exclaimed excitedly. There usually a reason for that, Xander thought, but he didn't voice this thought as to not kill his mothers chipper mood. He instead smiled slightly and nodded before gazing out the window once again.

   They drive in utter silence for 10 more minutes before something caught Xanders eye. He sat up quickly when he saw it. A figure among the many tress the lines the sides of the road. He tried to turn his body to get a better look at it but as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone.

   "Xander!" He heard to father scold, "Sit down!"

"Sorry dad." He mumbled, settling back into his seat. But he just couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

DollhouseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon