Meeting gogy

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Clay POV:
Excitement rushed through my body. "IM MEETING GOGY TODAY!!" I yelled, after actually getting up on time. I was afraid I would sleep to long but thankfully I woke up on time. I've had a crush on gogy for years but was to afraid to admit to anyone I'm bi. I don't know how gogy feels about me. my plan is to visit gogy for a month and help him pack up to move into my place! But during that time I would hopefully finally admit my feelings to him. I'm so afraid but excited at the same time!

*fast forward to the airport*

I'm early, my flight doesn't leave in 3 hours! Part of me is thankful to have time, but part of me is bored I have to wait so long. I start thinking about gogy, and his charming voice, is eyes, almost hypnotizing, and wandered off to sex, me fucking him senseless, him a moaning mess, I snap out of it, looking down and realizing I got hard. "Fuck." I whisper. what a great day to wear sweatpants. I know what I have to do. I sneak my way into the men's bathroom, run into a stall, pull my pants down and sit. I look at my hardened member, twitching and seeking touch. I start to slowly massage my member, that slow stroking soon turned into fast strokes, getting faster every second, stroking at a almost un-human speed, I felt a warm pool form in my stomach, biting my lip to try and hold in moans, until finally, I came, letting out a small moan a as I did so. I didn't care if anyone heard anything, I had to get to my flight. I quickly cleaned it up and left. I get to my plane just on time.

Gogy POV: I'm jumping up and down in excitement, after getting the text that dream was finally on the plane. I'm so excited to finally live with dream! I've had a crush on him for years but was always to afraid to admit I'm bi(sounds familiar?).

(Fast forward to when dream is just a few minutes away from gogys house)

I'm so horney... I have to do something about this. I remember I have a dildo with a suction cup. I grab it out of my closet and grab my lube, lube it up, get the shower as hot as it can go, and use the suction cup to stick it on. At this point I'm butt naked slamming myself against the shower wall, moaning like no other. (PLZ THIS IS STILL A GOGY POV DHDKSJXHXKZDVSKSGSKDUXH)

Clay POV:
I arrive at the address gogy said he lives. As I get to the door I can hear what seems like a moan-scream "what? Is he in trouble?" I have to get In there. What if he's not ok? I remember he said his spare key is under one of the plant pots he has. After a little bit of looking I found it! I open the door and hear it upstairs. I run upstairs and find the door it was coming from. I knock loudly and yell "GOGY? ARE YOU OK?"

Gogy POV:
Oh shit. Dream got back without me even noticing! What do I do? I turn off the shower, grab the dildo and run to my bed. Oh no. I still have the dildo. I hear dream say "I'm coming in" in a panic I throw the wet dildo just as dream comes in. I pray that he doesn't see it. I'm so scared, shaking all over.

Dream POV:
I see gogy in his bed, shaking. "Are you ok??" I ask. I get no answer. I look around the room just to see a wet dildo. I pick it up. "Is this what you've been doing?" I say. Gogy puts his head down. I hear a muffled sob. I get naked without him noticing and lay next to him.

Gogy POV:
I feel dream lay next to me. For some reason he feels naked... I turn over to see his 11 inch dick hard, butt naked, next to me. I gasp at the size. "Hehe" he says "bet you haven't seen one this big ;)" he says. I immediately get hard and my face goes bright red. "You wanna do this?" I say. "If you want to... Do you?" He says. "YES!" I say.  "Hehe. Where's the lube?" he says. "In that drawer" I say, pointing to one of my bedside tables. "Wait" he says. "What?" I say.

Dream POV:
"Let me see yours" I say. He's been covering his member with the sheets. "Oh... ok..." he says, blushing and pulling off the sheets to reveal his 9 inch dick. "Not bad" I say. "Hehe..." he says kinda crossing his legs to try and cover it. "No need to cover it... I like it :)" I say "hehe" he says uncovering it a little. I go to the table he pointed to and open the drawer and grab the lube. Gogy gets up and grabs a remote, a speaker, and his phone.

Gogy POV:
I have a great idea. I turn my led lights on red, and connect my phone to the speaker. "What are you doing?" He says. "You'll see" I say, smirking. I connect my phone to the speaker and start blasting heatwaves. "Hehe" he says. I get on the bed again and  get on my hands and knees smirking at dream.
"Hold on" I say. "I need to get something, your gonna like it I promise" I say getting up and heading towards the closest. I get a box and head to the bathroom to change.

Dream POV:
I start lubing my dick when gogy is in the bathroom doing god knows what. After some rustling from the bathroom he comes out dressed in a FRICKIN MAID DRESS!!!! I gasp as he get on his hands and knees on the bed again, smirking at me. I smirk back as I line up my member with his hole and look at him for consent. He nods. (HERE COMES THE HEAVY SMUT SO BUCKLE THE FUCK UP) I push in half my dick and he moans loudly. I give him I few seconds to get used to the size until he nods for me to start moving. I start moving my dick in and out getting faster and faster, him a moaning mess.

Gogy POV:
I can hardly talk, I'm moaning like crazy. I feel I warm pool form in my stomach. Oh no. "I...m....ugh...." I say, struggling to speak. "Ung.. me to baby" he says, groaning. "UGH" I moan as I cum all over my bed. "Unhhh" dream moans as he fills my hole. (PLZ "FILLS MY HOLE" HDBDHDHSSHGDHD)

1139 words! If you got this far I'm sorry for what I have created. But thank you for reading this! I don't think anyone is actually going to read this but idc. I will probably make the next one sometime next week? Anyway this was horrible 😀

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