Chapter 9 - The Finale Battle

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Alex just merged to the surface. This was it. This was the end. Today would be his last day in this cruel world and he would take the one who hurt the ones he cared about with him.


Alex screamed as he ran to the rooftop running, jumping across ledges and after and hour than she was. Karai smirked as she whipped out her small dagger.

"Finally came to face your creator?!"

"Finally came to destroy my worst nightmare!"

Cara laughed as she lunged at Alex, him dodging her lunges with ease. Cara tried to kick his face but he blocked with his arm before she kicked his legs with hers knocking him to the ground. Alex rolled away as rolled to a standing position.

Luna is struggling to learn how to use her powers.

Cara kicking Alex into a air vent.

"I created you. I will destroy you"

Alex stands back up as lunges towards her blades out as his grazes her cheek.

"You'll pay for that!"

Cara yelled as she lunged at him.

"Come on!"

Luna cries before her hand starts to glow.


"You will die!"

Cara yelled as she kicked Alex into a wall. Alex grunted as he slowly got up and saw the full moon begin to rise as he looked at the dragon scale dagger.

"If I die you are going with me!"

Luna finally escapes the lair from her aunts and uncles as they begin to chase her as she runs down the subway tunnels.

"Alex I am coming!"

"Just die!"

Cara yelled as she kicked him to the edge of the building Alex holding on just barely. Alex hoisted himself up as he kicked Cara before punching her three times in the stomach before upper cutting straight into her jaw.

"You'll pay for that!"

"Luna stop!!!"

Talena yelled as Luna climbed up a fire escaped she gasped as she saw how far the jump was to the next building but she took a deep breath and ran to the edge of the roof before jumping to the next one. She breathed when she made it and continued on.

Alex pinned a beaten Cara to the wall as his breaths were heavy and he was beaten to a pulp as well.

"This ends now."


"Do it."

"Luna stop!"

"You will die with me tonight."

"Alex stop please!"

Alex pulled out the dagger and lifted it above his head. Luna kept running seeing Alex in the distance.

"Alex no!"

"Alex do it."

Alex stabbed the dagger into Cara's shoulder, blood gushing out of the new wound as he pulled the dagger down to her heart before pulling it out. Cara's body fell limp to the ground. Alex fell to his knees as if his body was completely drained.


Luna yelled before barely catching his head in her lap.

"It is okay! We just need water! And you'll be okay!"

Luna sobbed as Alex smiled weakly before resting his hand on her cheek.

"No... need to... cry princess... I will... always be by... your side..."

Luna's aunts and uncles caught up and skid to a stop as they watched what was happening before them in shock.

"Don't just stand there! I need water!"

"No Luna! This power is too new we can't let you!"

"You have to he is going to die!"

"Luna... it is okay..."

"You promised to live! You promised to never leave! You lied!"

Luna cried as Daisy's soul kneeled next to Luna as she rested her hand on Luna's.


"I will... see you on... the other... side"

"No! You can't leave me!"

Luna's voice screamed with tears but her voice began to sound like Daisy's as well without Daisy opening her mouth.

"You can not just leave like this!"

"It... is... too... late..."

Alex whispered before his eyes closed and his body turned cold. Daisy's soul disappeared.

"You tried Luna."

"No! This is not the end! This cannot be the end!"

Luna screamed and sobbed as she tried so hard to heal Alex but his body just kept getting colder and colder. Talena walked over and felt for a pulse.

"Luna... he is gone."


Luna cried as Larota pulled her away from Alex's body. They all got up and walked away. Luna watched Alex's body disappear into the distance as she screamed and sobbed.

Alex joined the clouds for the first time as he saw his beautiful wife and his little Daisy that was no older than two years old. He looked at Venus who smiled.

"Thank you"

"It was my pleasure"

Alex whispered before picking up his daughter with one arm and wrapping the other around his wife's waist as they walked away going into the moonlight and disappearing.

"Rest well you three need it more than anyone."

Venus smiled as she looked back down at her family with Splinter and her parents by her sides.

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