
26 1 0

"Ah is so good to be back" my dad said and inhaled the Chinese air while smiling

"____ you will love China I'm sure about it"my mom smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder

"Let's hope" I said and crossed my fingers

"Now we need to find a taxi come on" dad said

"What have I done to live this"I thought and put on a cry face

"_____ come on"mom said as they found a taxi

"Coming"I said annoyed

We got inside the taxi dad went to the front sit and me and mom went to the back sits

I was looking the city from the widow she was huge maybe huger than NY I already fell in love with the city but the thing is that I will be living in village well let's see if its atleast beautiful.After an 1 hour we finnally get to our destination I gulped my saliva and nervously opened the taxi door

"Ok _____ you can do you this you just going meet your grandma its not like she we eat you relax" I exhaled and smiled

Dad rang the doorbell
[Chinese conversation]

Slowly the door opened.I saw a woman around her 50s she smiled when she saw us she hugged dad who is her son then my mom and there's me who almost died of nervousness.

She stood in front of me and smiled "You are ____ righ?"

"Y-yeah that's me heheh" I laughed nervously and raised my hand

"Oh my god finally I had the chance to meet my granddaughter I heard so much about you,you are so tall and beautiful!" She said she both my cheeks and she crushed to a really and when really I mean really tight hug

"I'm happy to meet you too" I said and hugged her back

"Come in come in"

As I went in the house was traditional not my style at all but I need to get used to it from now on it wasn't so huge house it was comfy

"Go unpack your things you must be really tired and when you are finished with your things come downstairs I made food for you"

"Aa grandma where is my room?"

"Your father will show it to you!"

"Oh" I said with a knowing face and went upstairs

"Dad grandma told me that you will show me my room!"I shout at my dad frm upstairs

"Wait a minute darling"

"Wait a minute darling" I mimicked him and sat on my suitcase

I let out an exausted sigh

"How am I going to survive in here?"

My grandpa died when I was still young so I didn't have the chance to meet them and my mom doesn't have good connection with her parents so now I'm stuck with a grandma.

"Come on your room is in there!" He pointed a white door

"And what about you guys?"

"Oh we are sleeping to the guestroom downstair"

"Oh and there sleeps grandma?"

"Yep"dad said while nodding his head
I hope you liked the chapter
Bye bye

My cute little prince♥Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang