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After I was done unpacking my things I went downstairs and found them already eating

"Ha I'm upstairs unpacking my things and you here eating and resting thank you very much"I said sarcastically

"Sorry baby the food its just so delicious that we resist"mom said making weird faces when she was telling that

"Oh is it that good?"I said impressed

"Yeah try " dad said with his mouth full

"Don't talk when your mouth is full"grandma said to dad and smack his head

"Owwww mom it hurts"

"Serves you right"

I giggled and sat down.I carefully eyed my food I picked up a thing with my chopsticks which seemed weird

"Grandma what is this"I pointed at the thing

"Oh its meat eat it its really good"

"Ok"I hesitantly put in my mouth and then BOOM I fept many fireworks of deliciousness in mouth

"Is so good"I said my mouth full



"Don't talk when your mouth is full"

I just pouted and finished my meal

"Mom can I go for a walk?"

"Yes if you promise me you won't go far"

"Promise!"I said enthusiastically

"Fine be careful"

"Ok see ya"

I went outside and started to walk as I was walking I looked around its really beautiful here there are so many kinds of flowers and have fresh air even though you have cows,horse and ships after a long walk and almost get lost 2 times I found the way back home yeah I know I'm awesome! Anyway as I was walking back home I saw a boy no just a boy a freaking hot shirtless boy outside his garden

Well I'm sure about 1 thing that I'm gonna love this new life
I hope you liked it
Bye bye

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