Chapter 14 The Thirteenth, The Giant

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"Are you ready sir?"

Uadjit felt as his flabby stomach began to be pressed against his body by the large leather belt being tightened around the bottom half of his torso. He looked down onto his massive bronze scaled hands, and squeezed them tight together, feeling his claws nearly pierce through his skin while sending pain through his body. With a loud shout, he stomped his foot onto the ground, slamming his chest with his right hand, and turned towards the exit. He felt his heart begin to pump louder and louder from within his body, feeling drool begin to flow through his fangs and down onto the ground. He felt the edges of his vision begin to redden, his muscles tensing and twitching. He shook both of his arms one by one, feeling the fat and muscles underneath jiggle with his movements. He looked down upon the far smaller Jardfylk servant who's eyes returned a feeling of fear towards his towering master. Uadjit spoke with a powerful voice, his voice nearly bellowing down the dimly lit halls of the underground.

"I am prepared, let's not keep our friend waiting!"

With those words, he once again shouted aloud and rammed his fists into his chest, some of the servants behind him joining in and hyping him up more and more. Their chant only made his heart beat stronger and stronger. He finally stepped through the pathway, bending down his head to not hit it on the doorway. The next room was far brighter than before, lit by many candles and torches held on the walls or dangling down from the soil ceiling. He finally saw the challenger he had called for, Murtor the Iron Skull, the famous Stoneken wrestler who towered over his opponents.

His favorite strategy implied by his title, Uadjit could see the various scars on the cleanly shaven skull of his opponent. The Stoneken turned his head over to him, and his eyes briefly widened in fear. While stonemen usually towered over most races, including most Draken. Uadjit wasn't most Draken, some joked he was two Draken who melded into one. All but a few of his siblings even rivaled his own size as they were on average taller than the average Draken themselves, Gargax was the closest, but none could even come close to the pure bulk of the giant of the west. This of course made it difficult to move around in the Jardfylk underground.

The two fighters approached each other in the center of the oval ring, outlined by white paint. The ceiling had been expanded, allowing both of the giants to stand straight. The Stoneken tried to look only with his eyes up to Uadjit, but the Draken's own eyes were far too high up for it to be done without moving his neck. The two stepped back and squatted down on opposite sides of the oval. He could see how his opponent's eyes became calmer and calmer, nearly becoming completely still in their sharp focus on him. Uadjit puffed harshly, as his advisor stood to the side of the circle.

"My lord, please be careful not to injure yourself."

"You may wish to tell that to our friend here first. Let us begin instead."

"Very well, both fighters prepare for your bout."

The two giants placed their hands onto the flat soil, their tough aura emanating throughout the entire room and causing the onlookers to look in excitement. As they waited in suspense, all he could hear was the wild beating of his heart. As his advisor declared the start, his heart beat loudly to each word.

"Begin the bout."

Exactly as he finished his words, Uadjit pushed his feet deep into the ground and launched himself towards his foe, roaring loudly at the very top of his lungs. His opponent did the same, leading with the top of his head towards the larger opponent.

Uadjit felt as his eyes slowly revealed light once more in the darkness of his mind. He felt dizzy, his stomach felt as if it was to explode like a volcano out of his mouth, and his head felt as if a chisel was piercing into his skull from the front of his head. His vision was fuzzy, strange colors and shapes were all he could see in a blurry sight. He heard strange voices speaking, yet they seemed muffled and spoken like a whisper. At the same time he felt he could barely hear them as an endless droning sound like clashing metal kept ringing in his ear. He couldn't understand just how much time went by, but slowly his eyes began to clear and his hearing became less muffled.

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