Chapter 16 The Carnival

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Soon after the arrival of the final child of the Golden Dragon, as if by either coincidence or a decision of the dragons themselves, the carnival of dragons began. Thousands of people began to flock into the mighty city of Gatherlak, swelling it's already large population even larger, and filling any available rooms with merchants, tourists, and other such people. Stands began to fill the streets, selling various trinkets and items.

From the refined and elegant metal figurines of dragons, to the detailed masks of various beasts, to traditional food served warm to those passing. Despite being a Draken tradition, many races had come from all across the empire, from stonemen to nerlakians, from Drubians to Jardfylk. All came for the celebration. Some, but not all, of the children of Kaladan would find themselves walking down the long and varied streets of the capital.

The sun was bright, the day was warm, and the wind was still. Far different from what Mehena was used to in Lelum, for that was a place that was much damper, and far wetter. It felt strange to be back in the capital after so many years, despite having been here now for a decent period of time. As he took slow steps through the bustling city towards the main road, he reassured himself that Manya was in a safe place with their son. Few know of her identity, for the better of her safety and so she can keep Mehenya safe.

He was careful to not bump into the many people walking on the street, some exploring, some carrying goods, others shouting loudly for customers as they carried their products upon crates attached by their necks. There were so many smells and sights to see, as his mind finally relaxed and allowed his senses to fill him with wonder. He smelled the scent of not only food, but also various flowers and herbs both for healing and for pleasure. Merchants hung different colored cloths of various materials, some which nearly tempted him to purchase some himself. His attention was quickly pulled away as he noticed a familiar face.

"Arjan! It has been so long!"

His taller yet younger golden brother quickly pulled his attention away from one of the stands, and with big open arms embraced Mehena. The two hugged each other with a tight embrace. Arjan spoke first in a pleased voice.

"It really has been, Mehena, how has it been in Lelum? I've heard you've started a family."

"I have! I've had a beautiful girl with the most wonderful person upon the earth, and I couldn't be happier."

"So what scale is she then? I mean, I'm curious considering your partner."

Mehena's eyes quickly widened, but Arjan's emotions did not turn to one of malicious intent, so he gently whispered to his brother as he answered.

"Her scales are incredible, because it is neither Metallic nor Chromatic. It's magenta."

"It is? That sounds beautiful, and I'm sure she'll grow to become a wonderful Draken just like her father and mother. "

Mehena felt his face brighten slightly with his brother's words, and smiled genuinely back. As they were about to speak, they were interrupted by the sudden approach of two silver scaled Draken with one taller and broader than the other. As one of them spoke, Mehena recognized right away who it was by the voice.

"Brothers, it feels like a century since I last saw the two of you."

The two turned to see none other than Perra in front of them, with long robes covering her light armor, and to the right of her Synthrin wearing a dark cloak and tunic. Mehena gave a hug to Synthrin right away, while Perra and Arjan shook hands, speaking softly.

"I've missed you, my little brother, I hope you have been doing well over there in Gotadref."

"Worry not, Mehena, I've been doing fine. I hope you have been okay over in Lelum, I worry about you."

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