Chapter 19 The Joining of Souls

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"May the two joiners please enter."

Furel felt his heart begin to beat quickly as he waded through the drapes covering the doorway. They gently slid over his body as he passed, they felt soft and warm, but maybe that was just himself feeling in such a way. He heard as beautiful music began to play in the background, their wondrous tunes of strings and flutes massaged his senses. The soft lights emanating from the torches and candles that filled the massive room fluttered gently by the wind pouring into the room from the large open windows. It was a dark night, very dark, yet this room was truly a beacon of light. As it should be, for today would be his time to join Talva.

As he gently strolled down the carpeted path, he saw that hundreds of people had packed into the room and sat at long wooden tables, eagerly watching the ceremony before them. He recognized many, for those there were both friends and family. Some nodded to him with massive smiles upon their faces as his eyes gazed upon them, others, but his attention was finally brought forward to the other end of the room. There she was, the one Draken he truly loved the most in the world. Talva. He couldn't help but smile, and she did the same as their eyes locked onto each other. She was just as beautiful as when they first met, if not more now. Her eyes were like beautiful gems, and the golden robes she wore just looked perfect on her. As they finally reached the center, a voice from Furel's left sounded once more. It was the dragon priest, who spoke with a raspy yet elderly and wise voice.

"By the power of the dragons that created us, guided us, and died for us, we are gathered here today to the joining of two beautiful souls that wish to be together for all of their existence. Furel Moldor and Talva Brontor, two Draken who wish to be bonded by their very essence. We shall all be witnesses for this ceremony, and by the right bestowed upon me by the eternal dragons, I shall bond their souls for all eternity. First however, let our two Draken here bring forth their binders, one item each that shall tie them together. May Furel bring forth his."

Furel, who had listened intently, slowly reached into a pocket within his robes, and took out his gift. It was his golden mask.

"I give you this, Talva, the mask I've used over my many years of partying. For my ultimate semblance of trust, I give you this, the one thing I prize the most besides you."

He gently handed it over to her, Talva bowed her head, and put it in one of her hands, holding it carefully..

"Now may Talvar bring forth hers, so we may begin our ceremony."

He saw as Talva reached into her robes as well, and pulled something out that he recognized right away. It was her flute. He felt as his mouth went agape for a brief moment in genuine shock. She spoke with her beautiful voice, the one he had fallen in love with all those years ago.

"I give you this, Furel. The very instrument that changed my life for the better, for it not only helped me find success, it helped me find myself into your heart. I give you this, the one thing I prize the most besides you."

Furel carefully took the flute from her hands, and held it within his own. Finally, it was the last part of the ceremony, as the priest announced once more.

"May the two joiners get upon their knees and connect their minds, so their spirits may be connected now and forever."

The two of them joyfully yet in sync got down onto their knees, and placed their gifts straight in front of them. The two grabbed each other's hands, and slowly pulled each other in. Furel could feel how large yet soft Talva's hands were, but especially how warm they were to the touch. He felt his heart begin to beat louder and louder, yet immediately calmed into the background as he pressed his head onto hers. He could feel her heartbeat through their connection, he could hear her gentle breathing, as the two squeezed each other's hands tighter. It seemed nearly as if the entire world around them disappeared, that it was just him and her, for she was the one that truly was the most important. Suddenly, he heard a tiny whisper break the silence.

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