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A young girl walks along the side of the road, her gaze at the newspaper in her hands.

 On the front page it was big and bold: More children are missing!

 The girl stopped and looked at the street. She stowed the newspaper in her pocket and ran faster, it was already dark and the risk of being attacked was low but you never knew.

 She turned the corner and ran towards a big house.

Just before she arrived in front of the house, a hand ries her into a dark alley. 

Her eyes became big and before she started screaming, someone pressed a cloth in front of her mouth. Her eyes became tired and her legs slowly gave way. Her efforts to free herself became less until she finally gave up. 

The man handcuffed her and carried her to a van. He threw her into the hold and she pinched her eyes in pain. 

le Timeskip

The girl felt her being taken out of the van and after a short walk she found herself back in a cell. 

The floor was dirty and dusty, everywhere lay shackles and bones around. A sign read: experiment. No. 123 failed!

 the girl swallowed loudly and tried to move. But the shackles were dressed too tightly and cut her into the flesch. 

Her eyes moved to tears and a tear flowed down her cheek, followed by more.

After about 2 hours, a man with a scientist suit came into the cell and picked up the girl. 

The girl cried out and got a slap in the face. 

The man carried them to a small room, which could be monitored from the outside with a pane of glass. She was placed on a chair in the middle of the room, and the man sat down behind the pane of glass. the girl looked around the room, nothing but white walls and a flap in the ceiling. 

Wait a flap in the ceiling!

She looked at the flap confused, why the hell was there a flap in the ceiling? Her gaze wandered back to the man, who pressed various buttons and switches.

 The girl tilted her head a little and looked at the man curiously when she suddenly heard a noise about her. Slowly she turned her head to the noise and screamed in panic.

 The flap opened and you could see through the gap a neon, luminous fluidity.

Shortly before the liquid fell on her, she closed her eyes. 

She was out of pain when the liquid fell on her, strangely liquid should not hurt but this one did. She collapsed and screamed in pain.

 The man laughed bitterly. 

Her whole body began to deform and this caused terrible pain. 


After a few days, the girl was again free to walk and move without feeling pain.

 On the sign in front of her cell there was something new on it: Experiment No. 124 successful! She knew that she was physically changed but not spiritually, she could still talk, read and maybe still write. 

Her hands glided over her deer hearing on her head. her ears, nose and legs also became those of a deer.

Also their vision was not much impaired in the night. 

She also found out that other children were being held captive here. it was all missing children from the newspaper and news. They were all transformed into different animals. 

Their personalities changed and they became brutal monsters. 

The man who turns out to be Dr.(R/n) He visited the girl regularly to see if she also turned into a brutal monster. But to his surprise not. 

After a few years, the man was caught trying to kidnapp a child. He was sent to life in prison. 

The mutated animals committed to starvation and after 1 month they committed to eat each other. 

After 2 years, all mutants but the H/c girl were killed or starved to death. 

And from here begins your adventurer in the world of Tnmt! Have fun.


Gosh that was a lot of work, I hope you liked it and leave a comment there. just let me know if something is not good or if you have made mistakes. In love your Ale-chan

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