Chapter 1

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You're sitting in a small cell in the middle of nowhere.

 You were bored and your gaze wandered over the other cells in your environment, all your "friends" were dead. 

None of them had survived because they all couldn't control each other and had just slaughtered everything until there was nothing left.

 You stood laboriously up and walk towards the cell door, even though you knew that it was closed for fets, you tried it every day if it went on. 


 As always!

In your left hand was a knife made of animal bones that you had found in your cell.

 So you've already stabbed every mutant who tried to kill you. Your view was on the castle, it was already very rusty but still durable. 

Out of anger you kicked the cell door, which then jumped up.


 "Wait, this damn door has just opened, after all those years!!!!!," the screams echoed in the hallway and you stepped out of the cell.

 Your gaze wandered down the corridor into the dark nowhere back to a door at the end of the long corridor, which was - when you got there - open. 

"Hmm", deep in your mind you didn't notice how a shadow was moving behind you.

 But when it tried to attack you, you cut his throat with a perfect cut. 


your voice sounded cold and emotionless. 

You lift your head to the door and slowly open it. Your eyes were blinded by bright rays of sunshine: "Ouch, you stupid sun!", your insults were not heard and your gaze wandered over the landscape in front of you. 

Your eyes widened and a single tear flowed down your cheek. A big smile spread on yours. "finally I'm out of this hell!" you muttered. 

1 year later, you had become accustomed to the conditions in the forest and lived a good life.

POV April:

I just came back from a visit from the boys when I saw a small child walking into the woods. 

I didn't know why or where the parents were but one thing was clear, it started to get dark and your little child alone in the dark forest was not a good idea. 

So I decided to follow the child. The child crept through bushes and piles of leaves. 

I followed her inconspicuously and when the child reached a light, my breath stopped.

In front of me was a portal, it shimmered neon blue and directly in front of the portal were two Krangg robots.

I saw how the little child approached the robots. 

I wanted to yell at him to run away from the robots. But it stopped in front of the robots and spoke in the exact language like the robots. 

The robots let the child through the portal and followed him.

 I was still squatting behind the bush as I slowly got up and got my phone out to dial a certain number. Bip Bip..."Oh hey april," donnie's voice greeted me cheerfully." Donnie we have a big problem!", i screamed into the cell phone and told him everything I had just suffered. 

He swallowed loudly and thanked me for calling him: "Okay april we'll come over stay there until we're okay?", "Okay", I hung out and put the phone back in my pocket........

10 minutes later I saw four shadows jumping down from the trees in front of me. 

One of the shadows came to me and hugged me, "April are you okay?", in Donnie's voice was a sign of concern. 

"yes," I said, smiling at the other brothers.

 I turned back to Donnie and said, "There is a portal in the clearing," with my fingers I pointed to the now only faintly shimmering portal.

 "Hmm, it seems like it's going to fall together at any moment," leo said thoughtfully, looking at Donnie, "You're right leo, we should either go in or never."," then we'll go now and thrash a few," Raph shouted and walked to the portal. 

I rolled my eyes and followed him with the other brothers.

 Raph farf us one last look before he disappeared in the portal. 

One by one walked through the portal out of Mikey, he hopped through the portal.


Hey my little little Küchleins, how did you like the first chapter. I hope I write the charackter of the guys correctly. Have fun with the next part. 

One question, who is supposed to be a love interest? 

Mikey ?


 Leo ?




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