Chapter 1: Fish Out Of Water

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A/N: 11.12.21

I hate Ariel.

She's just another rich white girl living off of daddy's income (which is never enough for her might I add) and complains how her life is unfair. And to make me hate her more, she traded in her tail to walk on land. Land?!

But where are my manners? You're probably thinking 'who is this dude and what's his deal with The Little Mermaid?' Well, ladies, gentlemen, and those in between. I am Arion Halfcrest a literal fish out of water.

I was born in the Bermuda Triangle, and due to unforeseen circumstances that my dear mermaid of a mother won't explain to me in detail, we've been traveling the world, on land and in the water. Mostly learning more from the pods (group of merfolk) because let's be real, what do land people have to offer? Racism and misogyny? Yea I'll pass.

Traveling from pod to pod was fun and all but I wanted more. I wanted to stay in the ocean. But I can't for whatever reason. Always moving and traveling, I am tired.

I hate Ariel. Not just because she's stupid, but because I envy the red-headed fish. There I said it. She spent her whole life in one place in the ocean and yet it still wasn't enough. I spent my whole life in both and it's exhausting.

To any normal person, traveling the world with dear old mumsy would be a dream. Alas, I am not a  normal person and we aren't just 'traveling the world'. During our tenure around the globe, we spent our time learning from other pods of merfolk. Inventions, songs, spells, and just about everything.  It hasn't been a total bore, I've learned to master my powers as a growing merman and I've added a different variety of spells to my collection.

Tying up the laces of my shoes to start my junior at some local Highschool that I never cared to learn the name of. Mother dear said that we would be staying in this longer than we anticipated so instead of homeschooling, I'd go to an actual school.

Maybe I should've been more specific with my wish. When I said I wanted to stay in one place, I meant in the ocean. But the sea goddess just love making my life a living barnacle.

We went shopping for two days to make sure we got all the essentials we need to make our stay as 'comfortable' as possible. A house, a car, furniture to match, and appliances that all normal houses should have. We even got wifi!

Now, where did we get all this money you ask? Humans. We did not steal (technically) we gathered the treasures we found in the deep. Gold watches, ruby necklaces, diamond rings, and more valuable useless things that land people can't keep track of.

A graphic t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and vans to match was my attire, I think this what all the kids are wearing these days. Nothing screams 'normal teenager' than jeans that are way too tight with too many holes in them and a shirt from whatever current televised show.

After a final look in the mirror, I deemed myself suitable to be seen in the eyes of the public and went downstairs to greet my mother.

Beautiful is what you would describe my mom, If it's one thing these silly humans got right is how mesmerizing we look. Flawless dark brown skin with high cheekbones, slender figure, and beautiful locs down to the small of her back.

I was the spitting image of my mother, the only difference is my locs just started reaching past my shoulders.

"Good morning, mother dearest" I greeted her as I walked towards the kitchen. She was in the living room area eating a bowl of prawns while looking over documents that involved some trivial matter that I didn't care enough to ask her about.

"Are you ready?" She replied not once taking her eyes off of her documents.

After replying with a quick yes, she gathered her things and we made our way to the car.

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