Chapter 2: Human Interaction

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A/N: 15.12.2021

In all my seventeen years of existence on this goddess forsaken land, I have never been in a situation like this. Mother and I always took the necessary precautions to make sure that we were never caught, or close to.

It was more so her teaching me and telling me ways to escape these situations if I ever were to get into them. Being the clumsy person that I am (especially on land), we had escape practice every other weekend. I am so thankful for those lessons she gave me. I could almost hear her voice now.

"Arion I know how clumsy you are. If you ever are in a situation where you're transforming in public cloak yourself and get out. Immediately."

That was engraved into my head ever since we came upon the land. She went as far as keeping a bottle of water filled with saltwater for 'training purposes. I always thought she was crazy. I guess there was a method to her madness.

"Shit," was all I could mutter before I used my powers to turn invisible right before my captor fully entered the room. Of course, I'm not in actual captivity, he would have to know that I'm here to be considered 'captured'.

Who is the 'he' you ask? Mister 'Gnarly Bro' himself. On my very first day and I almost reveal myself to the one and only Felix.

"What the fuck," Felix reiterated walking further into the classroom.

"I could've sworn I saw him run in here."

My heart pounded faster and louder after every step he took. I might be invisible right now but my body is still tangible.

Felix took one more glance around the classroom before he finally walked out.

Thank the goddess!

Still cloaked, I used my powers once again to dry myself off by heating the water on my tail and torso and picked myself off the floor.

It took me a very long while to master this power. Too much heat and it would start smelling like fried fish— tilapia if you were to give it a distinct smell. And I would always get extremely dry patches on my skin that would resemble a faint burn mark.

I walked towards the same door Felix entered through looking out the window to check for anyone passing by before I made my way towards the boy's bathroom. The hallway was almost empty since classes were still in session but there were still a few students sauntering about— skipping I presume?

Like a gazelle, I gracefully walked through the hallway making sure to stay close to the walls so I don't accidentally bump into someone. The bathroom was thankfully empty and I finally de-cloaked when I was in a stall.

"That was way too close," I said to myself walking out the stall only to get stopped by the gaze of Felix himself at the doorway of the bathroom.

We stared at each other for a while before he sauntered towards the sink and started washing his hands.

"Are you okay dude?" He asked while grabbing a paper towel to dry his wet hands.

"Yea, are you okay?" I replied just now taking in his appearance. Like me, he got splashed with saltwater. Only his shirt was mostly wet starting from the neckline reaching to where his belly button would be while I am dry like that certain situation did not occur.

"Yea, when I went back to the classroom, I slipped by the extra beakers of saltwater and all of them fell on me." He said throwing away the used paper towel in the trash can.

Damn, and I thought I was clumsy.

"We should probably get back to class and finish our assignment," I said.

We left the boy's bathroom, Felix, in the front guiding the way back to the classroom.

"Do you still want to be my partner?" Felix asked as we entered the classroom once again. Our classmates paid us no mind as we made our way back to our seats. There were some small snickers aimed our way but that was all.

We sat in our now assigned seats and continued on our assignment with him identifying the organisms and whatever else he sees while I jot them down on a sheet of paper.

It was only after thirty minutes after we got back from my predicament (that Felix doesn't know about thanking the goddess) that Dr. White finally showed up from wherever the hell she came from.

"Time is up, bring all the papers to my desk as you make your way out the door." She declared barging into the room to sit at her desk just as the bell rang for the next period.

"Does she always do this?" I asked Felix as he put the microscope he was using away.

"No, days like these when she's not in here teaching are heaven-sent." He replied.

I hummed in response and gave him the paper so he can write his name to receive his credit on the work assigned.

After he signed his name, we grabbed our things and walked out of the classroom— Felix handing in our assignment beforehand.

"Do you know where the cafeteria is?" Felix asked once we've reached a good distance from the classroom.

I shook my head no. I thought there was supposed to be a guide who's supposed to show me all of this stuff. They just give you your schedule (which I haven't looked at mind you) and send you off.

"Come on, it's this way." Felix motioned for me to follow him in the opposite way that I was going to go to.

Closely on his heels, I took the time to thoroughly look at my schedule so I could at least know what I have next after lunch.

I have Algebra II, Biology, English, History, and last but not least P.E. Great.
Walking is already troublesome as it is and now I would have to run? I shuddered at the thought. Do I have to do this every single weekday?!

"You okay dude?" Felix asked taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, not used to all of these classes." I lied.

That wasn't entirely a lie. I wasn't used to these classes at all. 'Homeschool' with my mother was always fun. We would travel the sea, interact with the citizens of the sea, and so much more! Sitting in a box with strangers for an hour and a half or so is not my ideal type of learning. No wonder Highschool kids are depressed.

And now I'm one of them. Great.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." I smiled in response and joined him in the cafeteria that wasn't too long from the rest.

The cafeteria was noisy. Filled with teens buzzing around like a school of fish. Some are in lines waiting to receive their food and others sit down in synchronized groups eating said food. The only upside of the cafeteria is that you can eat outside. That's nice I guess.

"They're serving pizza today!" Felix exclaimed enthusiastically walking us towards one of the lines. I've had pizza a couple of times when I stayed in the hotels. It wasn't anything to jump up and down for but what do I know I'm a fish.

"I'm guessing you really like pizza?"

Felix gave me an enthusiastic nod before going back to surfing the web on his phone.

After a few more minutes in line, we retrieved our pizzas from the lunch ladies and made our way out of the line. Me heading towards outside and Felix heading wherever.

"You're not coming?" Felix asked when he realized I wasn't planning on following him.

"Coming where?"

"I was going to introduce you to my friends. Ya know, if you want." He asked, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

I wanted to say no. I did. But if I'm going to get better at this whole 'human interaction' thing I'd have to talk to more than one person my age. Right?


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