Don't Let Go Of This Hand: Two

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The "waiting room" you and your team are directed to is little more than dividers and a makeshift space with foldable chairs. You don't expect much more, as a small debut group from a small entertainment company. But everything seems new and shiny to the Bangtan boys.

"Read this, read this!" Jeongguk brandishes a paper sign that was posted at their waiting room entrance in the faces of whoever he could reach.

"Bangtan Sonyeondan!" exclaims Taehyung, vibrating so hard he almost becomes supersonic.

The makeup artists are working on Bangtan three at a time. Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi are the first to get seated. The two youngest, as the ones most likely to ruin their styling with all of their misplaced energy, are unanimously volunteered to go last.

You sink into one of the plastic chairs against the wall to remove yourself from the orchestrated chaos. There's no space for all the people running around—makeup artists and stylists getting the looks finalized, the camera crew for the Bangtan Bomb you'll have to release the day after, two Big Hit interns you'd co-opted to act as gophers for today, and the members themselves. Everyone's just trying not to get in each other's way.

In the chair nearest you, Namjoon is playing with his sunglasses, round and round around his fingers. He'd put his signature accessory on immediately after exiting the van, but he removed it to allow easy access to his face.

Namjoon's eyes would be covered during the performance, sure, but the high-quality cameras are unrelenting at exposing flaws the human eye couldn't detect. Plus, nobody likes an idol already shiny under the stage lights before the performance has even started.

"Doing okay, Namjoon-ah?" You pluck the sunglasses from his hands and fold the attached rubber straps carefully.

Though you'd asked wardrobe to bring extras of Namjoon's accessories specifically, it seems like a bad omen if his sunglasses were to break right before their debut showcase. Trying to preemptively head off anything unfortunate before they happen to your idols is part of the job description, after all.

Namjoon's eyes cut to the camera on the other side of their small waiting area. Jin and Jimin are directly in front, both peering into the lens from between their fingers. "PD-nim," they cajole, "can you be kind to us in editing even though we're still bare-faced?"

He turns back to you and tries to smile. He's worried, though. There isn't a dimple in sight.

"I'm okay, Manager-nim," he says, and his chin lifts a little bit.

"Are you sure?" you ask, and almost immediately regret it.

Maybe this wasn't the right time to check-in when there were so many strangers and cameras invading his space. Namjoon has never liked showing weakness in front of people he doesn't trust. Your rocky start with the leader of Bangtan Sonyeondan was a testament to that.

Namjoon is quiet for a long while. You can almost see the cogs whirring in that big brain of his, the existential questions he's grappling with on a daily basis. "I think so," he says finally. You're relieved to see the tension disappear from his jaw and around his mouth.

You smile. You're Bangtan Sonyeondan's manager, but sometimes it feels like Namjoon never needs your help. His strength is striking, how ready he is to be the implacable foundation that the rest of the members rely on.

"That's good that you're sure, but you know I'm around if you need it right?"

"I know," he says. "You and the members being there for me makes me feel a lot more comfortable." He smiles, the dimpled one that assures you everything is okay. "Thanks for checking in on me, Manager-nuna. I—I needed that."

Whatever he's decided on, you see the certainty in the straightened line of his shoulders.

Everyone takes their turn in the makeup chairs. An hour and a half later, one of the MNet production assistants running around the studio swings by. Bangtan Sonyeondan's rehearsal slot is in 30 minutes.

You've shadowed enough managers that you know once the day officially starts, it'll be hard to take a breather in the chaos. You find Namjoon first to let him know that if he wants to say anything to the group, now is the time.

For such a small space, it is surprisingly hard to wrangle all of the members. Together, you and Namjoon manage to gather them in a circle in the changing area. You lean against the wall and wrap your arms around yourself.

Namjoon has his back to you. Yoongi is at Namjoon's left shoulder, eyes trained on the floor. Jeongguk has made his way to Namjoon's other side. His gaze is laser-focused on Namjoon's face. Jimin and Taehyung are next to the maknae, their pinkies brushing the tiniest bit. Jin is directly across from Namjoon, a soft smile radiating support across the empty space. Hoseok is between Jin and Yoongi, one hand on each of their shoulders in a white-knuckled grip.

"This is it," Namjoon says, trying to imbue his voice with gravitas. "Today, we're making our debut as Bangtan Sonyeondan."

He makes eye contact with all of them and they stare grimly back. They've worked for years towards this singular goal. It feels monumental finally being at M Countdown on their debut day.

"We've worked hard for this," Namjoon continues, "and I know all of that hard work will show on stage. This moment only comes once in a lifetime. More than worrying about looking good, what I want you all to do is remember this stage and hold on tight to the memory."

Namjoon turns to look at you. He steps back a little bit, opening up their circle as an invitation. "Do you want to say anything, Manager-nim?"

There's a lump in your throat looking at the seven Bangtan members. They've grown so much in the short time you've known them. If hard work was the only testament to success, you already know they'll be legends.

"Make them forget every other group that goes on stage," you say fiercely. "Your sound is different, and it's 100% you. You'll be unforgettable out there. Make sure you leave no regrets on that stage."

They all smile at you. It's a fierce baring of the teeth, instead of the affection you're used to.

"Well, if Manager-ya says it, then it has to be true," Hoseok says, clapping his hands in excitement. "She's never lied to us yet."

"Bangtan Bangtan, Bang Bangtan!" they all whoop.

It feels good to be here on debut day. It's only the starting line, but there are groups that never make it this far. You don't take anything for granted in this industry.

Namjoon hangs back a little as the rest of Bangtan files out. You cock your head as he pulls you aside. He's not the kind to leave people waiting on purpose.

"Congratulations, nuna," he says under his breath. His eyes widen. "O-on getting us here. I mean. To, uh, M Countdown. You've worked so hard and I'm not sure if we'd really be here without you. Thank you for being you."

"Make it up to me by being amazing, Namjoon-ah." You reach around to give him a half-squeeze. It's not quite around the shoulders, he's too tall, but his dimples flash anyway at the affection. "I'm not here to waste my time on scrubs, you know."

It would be ridiculous to cry. You'd told yourself you wouldn't.

Your nose stings a little. 

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