Secret lovers wonderland prt 3

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3rd person POV:

As they all headed into the side of the castle Stuart sees a huge kitchen, it's filled with people cleaning veggies and cooking. It smelled good "this is where we make the food for the king, the two princes, and their guards" the man says. Stuart nods, one of the people who were working on chopping up veggies was a woman, she looked up to them and smiled "oh mah! Who is this little adorable critter!" She says happily, she has a thick American accent "Lola this is... uh what's you're name kid?" Stuart jumped "m-my name is stuart! M-miss Lola" she smiled warmly "that's a lovely name sugar" the man chuckled "Lola here is head of the kitchen, also my fiancé, she and everyone els here makes food for the king and the prince's their requested food. "Wow..." Stuart says, not really knowing what to say.

The man then pats Stuart's shoulder and says "the king and the prince's are gonna be coming back from the beheading soon and it's almost dinner time, so let me show you to where you'll be working and sleeping" Stuart nods "okay... goodbye miss Lola" she waived "bah sugars~" she says as she continued to chopping up vegetables. The man and Stuart then exit out the door they came in "now then kiddo, I'm gonna show you where men like us will be working" Stuart nods.

The two of them walk to the back of the castle, there stuart sees a huge Field that was half the size of the castle, the sun was going down. There they see 8 rabbit people just like them tending to the fruits and vegetables. Then there was a row of 2 huts for 20 people in total. "Why is this only taking up half of the back of the castle?" Stuart asked, he sees the man trying to pull something out of his pocket "because the other side is a golf course, there is where the king and his special visitors discuss stuff" "oh yah? What do they talk about?" Stuart asked looking towards the hedge "we ain't allowed to listen, those who try to listen are caught immediately and sentenced to death" Stuart gulps.

Finally the guy was able to pull something out of his pocket, it was a key with the number 5 painted onto it "this is the key to your hut, make sure you don't lose it because we can't get you another one" Stuart nods and takes the key from the guys hand "and don't worry, every hut is numbered, you won't have to search for it too much" "thank you... uh... mister..." the man's eyes widened for a second "call me dan kid" he smiled. Stuart also smiles "thank you dan"

Then a cow bell rings "TIME FOR STEW EVERYONE! GET WASHED UP" Shouts a loud voice that came from another door from the castle. Then everyone from the guardian move away from their positions from the guardans and all headed to a singular pump on the far left from the feald. Stuart feels a slight nudge to his shoulder "chow time! Cmon kid let's get washed up for stew" he says as he headed towards the water pump. Stuart's stomach starts to growl "huh, I was so nervous about coming here that I didn't even know I was hungry, how about it..." Stuart then started to follow dan.

Short time skip~

Stuart washed his hands and followed the crowd of people to the small castle door. He ate his bowl of stew, it was vegetable stew. It was so delicious, much better than porridge. During dinner everyone was so kind to Stuart, talking to him about random stuff etc.

Back to normal time~

"Hey did you know there is a festival coming tomorrow?" One of the many people asked Stuart "festival? What festival?" Stuart asked looking up from his bowl of stew "it's the only fun thing that happens all year, it's the only time of the year where everyone has a day off from the terrible thing of reality. There's decorations, food, music, and... well that's it. It ain't much but it's fun"

Stuart nods "it's also hosted by the king, the princess also but they just sit in their thrones and not say a word" says another person "but you know prince murdoc likes to sneak away sometimes, and every time he gets scolded by the king... ya think the lad would learn by now" people around the table chuckle.

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