Chapter 1, Goodbyes

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Bye mom, see you when you come home, love you.’’ Nora said sadly as they walked out of their red old door they'd had since they were a baby. Nora said aloud “I’m really going to miss this place.” As they walked to school silently listening to the sweet birds chirping up in the trees where the fall leaves were changing color, a cool breeze brushed their face, they smiled. Shortly after, they arrived at school and to their surprise all of their friends were sitting at a highly decorated table holding little gifts wrapped perfectly in yellow, white, purple, and black. Nora unknowingly asked “ Is it someone's birthday?” Nora’s best friend Dexter replied “No silly it's for you!” “Really!?” Nora said inquisitively. “YEP!!!” Dexter said happily. Everyone cried at the end of the party because it was Nora’s last day in the small town of Jacksonville. Nora thought “ If only it could last a little longer.” Little did they know that it wouldn't be their last time in Oregon.

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