Chapter 6, An alien experience

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Nora went to sleep that night thinking about their dad. Wondering why they have thought about him so much, but they just pushed the strange thoughts away and closed their eyes. As they went into a deep sleep they thought of the night when their father disappeared. But then remembered one strange detail of their dream that they had never seen before. On the ship that took theirfather there was a logo. The eccentric flying object that had taken their father understood what humans called them. The ship had a face on it not like ours almost bug like and below that it read UFO. UFO stands for unidentified flying object and the outlandish things knew we called them that. The dream had ended and Nora woke up. It was already morning and Nora had to get ready for school, but they drew the logo so they would not forget what it looked like just in case they could not go back to the same dream. Nora has never been a good drawer but they did their best.

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