New Employee

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Warning: This chapter contained bullying, both the mention of it and actual scenes.


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Megan was walking to class when she heard someone call her name

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Megan was walking to class when she heard someone call her name.

"Megan, Meg, wait up!" The person called.

Megan turned around and saw Justin running up to her.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Well, how would feel about tutoring some kids with me? There are so many. Given how smart you are I was kinda hoping you'd help me in managing it," Justin told her.

"Tutor where?" Megan asked.

"At the substation," Justin told her.

"You want to tutor people in Waverly Place?" Megan asked alarmed.

"Yeah, why do sound so scared? We have mom and dad's permission.  Justin told her.

"It's not that, Frankie tutors in Waverly Place," Megan told him with wide eyes.

"Who the heck is Frankie?" Justin asked confused.

"Someone you don't want to cross! I tried tutoring two kids at the house once and let's just say he wasn't happy about that," Megan said while squirming a little.

"What's he gonna do? Out tutor me?" Justin laughed.

"Don't laugh at him. He has people everywhere. Watching." Megan hissed in a whisper voice.

"I can take him," Justin scoffed.

"No, you can't. You're a nerd. You can't take anyone," Megan told him.

"You're a nerd too," Justin told her off.

"Not as much as you," Megan replied.

"Ok, well what's it going to take for you to help me out? There are too many kids,"  Justin told her.

"Nothing. I'm not going make Frankie angry a second time," Megan told him.

Justin pulled her back and whispered in her ear.

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