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꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ

Lily sat in the white wicker chair of the cafe she had agreed to meet James Potter in. She sipped on her coffee, gazing out into the crowd from behind her sunglasses, ignoring the whispering group behind her.

Potter wasn't late, Lily just liked to be early. One of the girls from the whispering group approached her and asked for a photo. Lily smiled for the camera. They left the cafe, their giggling horde dispersing.

The door chimed, and a tall figure with a discernible head of hair sticking up in every direction. Potter caught her eye and paused for a moment, before breaking into a smile and sliding into the seat in front of her.

James Potter was hot. Of course she already knew that, having cyber stalked him just a little but she thought it was a filter. But no. His eyes were even shinier, his jaw even sharper and his face even more perfect. He had a girlfriend, she reminded herself.

"Evans" he smiled. She could almost hear Marlene's squeals from across the room.

"Potter" she said, curtly as the last pair left the room, leaving only Marlene on one of the tables sitting with a very suspicious duo. "Am I right to assume the hobo sipping the most expensive coffee in the restaurant and Remus are here with you?"

Potter smiled fondly. "Yes, the hobo is Sirius. I'm assuming the other one is Marlene?"

Lily nodded. "Only sort of surprised Dorcas, Alice, Emmy and Mary aren't here too."

"Honestly, I think Frank and Wormtail want to murder Moony for not letting them come."

Lily snorted into her coffee. "Wormtail? Moony I've heard of, but who would want to be called Wormtail?"

James laughed. "Its a long story, Evans, you sure you're up for it?"

"No, actually, I'd rather not." she said, playfully. James laughed again and she got a surprising jolt of energy at making him laugh.

"Yeah, Kyn's the same. She has no idea why." James told her. For some reason Lily's stomach dropped.

"Kin?" she asked, maintaining her cool. She didn't let even a drop of her sudden strangeness leak into her face, she was after all a million dollar actress.

"Oh, Kynlee, my girlfriend."

Lily smiled, unsure of why it felt forced. "Oh," she choked out.

James unsurely stared at her. "Are you alright?"

"Perfectly normal, thank you very much" Lily said, swallowing whatever was building up in her chest.

from there, they slipped into an easy banter. James didn't bring up Kynlee again. When Marlene called her up to tell her Dobby wanted her and Fabian to discuss the contract for Ginny Weasley 3, she decided to bring up the important part.

"So, James" she said. He looked up from his coffee, his hazel eyes meeting her green ones. "You might have heard about the role of Harry for Ginny Weasley Three?"

James raised an eyebrow. "Harry Porter?" Lily nodded. "I might have,"

Lily smiled. "Well, Dobby wants you to play Harry, and Colin and Dennis agree, would you like to?"

James fiddled with his straw. "Would you?"

"Me?" Lily stammered out. "Yeah, yeah sure i guess? I mean I saw the plans for Harry's casting, and you fit pretty well."

James grinned. "Sure, I'd love to."

"You're not going to... ask your manager or something?" Lily asked, confused.

"Oh Frank." James grinned. "He's been pushing me to ask Colin and Dennis for a role since my stint in Farther Away, Lily, he'd be elated."

"That's wonderful." Lily said, meaning every word. "I'll hook you up with Colin's number."

James smirked, "don't you need mine to do that?"

"I- what- oh." Lily chuckled, "yes, I suppose I do."

James pulled out a pen from his pocket and scribbled a series of numbers onto a tissue paper, and slid it over to her. In Lily's periphery, the Sirius Hobo dropped his pastry.

Lily copied the number into her phone and saved it ('James Potter'). "Anyway, we should get going, i told Kyn I'd take her to see a movie today" James apologetically told her. Lily pushed down a lump in her throat.

"I have a meeting with Fabian and Dobby in-" Lily checked her watch, "Five minutes ago."

James snickered. "Good luck Evans."

"Yes, well turns out i have to go, nice meeting you James." Lily said, as she stood up, dropping a wad of cash ($5 to be exact) and gestured for Marlene to come over. the two of them left the room.

Later, in the meeting, when Marlene, Gideon (Fabian's manager) and Dobby were rigorously discussing contracts, Fabian was pretending to be awake, a notification distracted Lily.

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꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ

a/n: a first text chapter dropped in some james and lily and more importantly, HOBO SIRIUS SIPPING A $10 COFFEE LIKE THE EXTRA KING HE IS.

also to all members of the Jily OC Gang who i told Kynlee wasn't James's gf i'm sorry i never lied though if you look at the words there like loads of maybes. whatever the case is, don't hate her (or me) just yet because you never know what if she's a good seed who ends up shipping jily/lames/flowerpot

anyway hope you all feeling fabulous, love from ana♥

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