4. Mock trial

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Han Joonhwi followed Kang Sol B even to the laundry room. From that morning since Kang Sol A declared her intention to participate in the mock trial, he had a feverent desire to make that happen. 

The only obstacle as of now was Kang Sol B who still hasn't given her consent. 

He remembered that morning clearly, Kang Sol A like a mini tornado without restraints saying that he would also join the mock trial to convince her roommate to which he didn't immediately respond in negative. 

It was simple really to him, Kang Sol A wanted to participate in the mock trial with him, then she would participate in the mock trial with him. 

Even with the Assemblyman Ko case in the midst, they somehow prepared very thoroughly for the competition, he knew they had a strong chance to win this time. 

So, when suddenly two days before the finals Kang Sol A asked why he didn't say no when she completely blind sided him and didn't ask his permission before volunteering him to the mock trial competition. 

He smiled at the silly face she was making and said, "Well, Jiho already had partners and you guys didn't, it all worked out well for me."

"Oh, okay then" she replied in relief.

He felt a sudden burning sensation in his ears as he walked away for the lie he told but Kang Sol A was none the wiser. 

5 times Han Joonhwi lied to Kang Sol AHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin