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Kang Sol needs more than one hand to count how many times she has collapsed. It got worse when she was in law school. 

She felt like she needed to prove something, more than to others she wanted to prove it to herself that she could do it. That she was capable of doing, studying law.

The time she collapsed during her first year scared her. That time she knew she was pushing her limits. But every single moment that she spent away from studying made her mind go crazy with worry. So, she bore it and worked herself too much too hard. She barely passed that year. 

Others times she collapsed, she was so immersed in various cases, that she didn't even know that she was neglecting herself. She tried to be better, to take good care of her health. 

She still remembered the time Han Joonhwi cried. He rarely cried, but he did it for her. She was found collapsed in the court during trial recess. No one could find her. 

She was finally found in the washroom passed out and the hospital called him as the emergency contact. It had just been two months since they had started dating at that point. The right Han Joonhwi did not have as a friend, he had as a boyfriend. 

So, when faced with Han Joonhwi's tear filled eyes begging her to take care of herself. Of course, she agreed. 

Kang Sol would do anything for that man. 

Now, she tip toed into their home removing her footwear silently, her husband was half asleep in the couch with case files spread out around him. 

He stirred a little, rubbing his eyes adorably to wake himself on hearing her enter.

"You are home, how is your stomach?"

Smiling at her caring husband she said, "Just had a mild food poisoning, now it is okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Hmm, now go and sleep in the bedroom"

Sleepily he nodded kissing her in the forehead lightly before going to bed. 

Watching his retreating figure, Kang Sol absently rubbed her stomach thinking of when she fainted in her office that morning, "I will tell you when you are not sleepy and fully in your senses."

5 times Han Joonhwi lied to Kang Sol AWhere stories live. Discover now