Clip for Wild prime Ep 39

39 0 23

Gigatron: You should've, gone for the (Coughs head

(snaps his fingers)

Ironhide: No

(The dark power Mini-Cons he used were detroyed)

Ironhide: (Angrily) what the Frag have you Done

(Gigatron disappears)

High Wire: where did he Go?

Wheelie: High wire (Gets Disintegrated)

High Wire: what the Scrap

Sam: What's Happening

Bumblebee: I Don't Known

Hot Shot: Bee I do- (Gets Disintegrated)

James: What on Earth's Going On (Gets Disintegrated)

Duck: Oh dear I feel i am going cough up dust (Gets Disintegrated)

Excellion: oh no (Gets Disintegrated)

Red Alert: Excellion! Excellion where are You!?!


Tommy: What's Happening

Blue Mystic Ranger (Maddison): i Don't kno- (Gets Disintegrated)

Buster (Red Wild Prime): Docotr O (Coughs) doctor O i don't so goo (Gets Disintegrated)

(the Mystic Team except Vida all Disintegrates)

Coby: Oh God

(Last bit is a Little Post Credits)

At Ever After High

Master Grimm: What's Happening

Arcee: Grimm I think i'm (Gets Disintegrated)

Cliffjumper: Arcee (Gets Disintegrated)

Master Grimm: oh no, they Need to be called (Press something on a Device)

Robotic Voice: Message sent

Master Grimm: Thank lor- (Gets Disintegrated)

Robotic Voice: senting Message To

(Classics G.I. Joe Theme Plays)



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Transformers Cybertron and ever After High II: Doctor WhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora