Saga 1 Part 5: 5 Doctors later

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The TARDIS comes

Sideswipe: Well Thank Primus

Bumblebee: Cam down were going home

The Inside of The TARDIS was Different

10th Doctor: What's happened to The TARDIS

5th Doctor: Who The Hell Are You

10th Doctor: Why I do not believe, It's My 5th Incarnation

5th Doctor: (Takes out His Sonic Screwdriver)

10th Doctor: (Takes out his Sonic Screwdriver)

5th Doctor: Your My Future Self

10th Doctor: Yes Indeed

Coby: Who is That your talking to

5th Doctor and 10th Doctor: Myself

10th Doctor: So Where Is My TARDIS

(It's on the Moon 1969)

10th Doctor: Oh No, Come On Doctor Remember when You Told Carly to bring it back to you, It must've gone to the moon, 5th me can you send us there

5th Doctor: Of Corse

The 5th Doctor's TARDIS Disappears

It reappears on the Moon

Sam: Where Are We

5th Doctor: We Are On the Moon, 1969 6 hours before The apollo 11 takes off

Lori: Yeah and What's this Gum we are chewing?

5th Doctor: That's to give You Air on the Moon

Ironhide: Well We Autobots don't breathe cause we're Robots, Humans are Organic while we are Robotic

10th Doctor: There's My TARDIS, It was Nice knowing You 5th Me

5th Doctor: Your Welcome

To Be Continued...

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