Saga 2 Part 4: Halloween Ch. 4

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(The Heroes And Autobots Escape and notices the Nemesis)

Apple White: What is that

Optimus Prime: The Decepticons Warship the Nemesis

11th Doctor: And I Fear that their Weopons to unleashing the Halloween monster to our world is on it

Sam Witwicky: How do you know

11th Doctor: I Know

Skids: Ooookaaayyyyy how do we get up there

(Never more appears)

Bumblebee: Well I'll be Scrapped

Raven: Nevermore

Coby: Haven't seen you in a long time (Feels claws in his hair) What the

(There were baby Nevermores)

11th Doctor: who is This 

Landmine: her name is Nevermore, She is Raven's pet Dragon

11th Doctor: Oh interesting

Raven: Looks like she had Children

Sam Witwicky: That's kinda Funny, Reminds me of Mojo

Coby: yeah, Me and my Family used to have a Boxer But she Died of Sickness

Lori: Horrible

Thomas: We are here to help

Everyone turn to a Agonising Site

To be Concluded

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