Chapter 6.

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Stella POV.

It's like 11:45 PM and I think their asleep I open the door and I start running downstairs.

Cyrus“ Can't sleep?

I turn around seeing Cyrus up the stairs looking at me with confusion.

Stella“ Ye-Yeah.

He nods and walks towards and picks me up and takes me back to my bedroom.

Cyrus“ Here ya go.

He placed me on the bed and lays beside and holds me close.

Cyrus“ I will stay here until you fall asleep.

Damn it I lay down and I notice Cyrus is humming a lullaby.

Stella“ *snores*.

Cyrus“ Nice try.

Damn it.

*Next day*

I haven't slept at all cause Cyrus has kept me in a tight grip and he's fallen asleep.

I get out of his grip and walk to the kitchen and I see Christina wearing nothing but her lingerie.

Christina“ Morning!

She gives me a smile and I sit on a chair and look out the window and I noticed a big tree!

I get off the chair and head outside and climb the tree.

Christina POV.

I watch Stella climb the tree and I smile at how adorable it looks.

Cyrus“ Morning babe.

I point to the tree and he looks outside and looks worried.

Cyrus“ She might fall!

Stella POV.

I am sitting on a big branch and I am having a staring contest with an owl.

Stella“ *giggles*.

The owl hops on my lap and nuzzles into my chest by the size of it it just left it's nest.

Cyrus“ Stella breakfast is ready!

I climb down with the owl on my shoulder.

Cyrus“ I'm guessing that Owl is going to stay *sighs*.

Stella“ *giggles* Pl-Please.

Cyrus“ Alright sweetie it can stay.

I smile finally a friend.

*After breakfast*

I'm sitting on my bed and my Owl who I named Sora is sitting on my lap and it's been great.

I hear the door open and see Cyrus with my stuff and he's holding my teddy bear.

Cyrus“ We brought your stuff yesterday and I notice this bear is very beatened up.

Sora fly's off my lap and stands on the bookshelf.

I turn my focus to Cyrus and he hands me my bear and places my stuff at the end of my bed.

Cyrus“ Me and Christina are going out *glares* Don't try to leave ok?

I nod and he kisses my forehead and he closes the door I look at Sora and he fly's onto my lap.

I smile at my new pet until I hear the door open and it's a man wearing a ski mask.

??“ Well lookie here.

My owl fly's back onto the bookshelf and I back away but he pulls out a knife.

??“ Now sweet girl your going to hand over any valuable items and I'll let you live.

I glare at the masked man until my owl fly's at the man clawing his face.

??“ *screams*.

I run at the man and kick his kneecap which I hear a loud snap and he ends up on the ground.

I run downstairs and grab the house phone and dialed the cops.

*The cops arrived*

As the cops arrest the man one of them walks towards me.

Cop“ This man has been wanted for 3 years and theirs a $50,000 for an award.

He gives me a check and walks out I look at Sora and I do a victory dance.

Stella“ W-We ri-rich.

Cyrus“ Baby girl you ok!?

Christina“ We got a call from the cops!

Cyrus picks me up and kisses me all over my face and Christina looks at the check in my hand.

Christina“ Is that a check sweetie?

I nod and give it to her.

Christina“ Wow!

Cyrus puts me down and looks at the check and he has a shocked expression.

Cyrus“ You beautiful bitch!

He picks me up and spins me around and kisses my cheek and my owl fly's at Cyrus.

Cyrus“ JESUS!

Sora fly's in my arms and nuzzles into my chest.

Stella“ So-Sora over-overprotective after sc-scary man.

Cyrus nods and kisses Christina and I head upstairs with Sora.

Cyrus POV.

I watch Stella walk upstairs and I look at the check.

Cyrus“ Looks like we're spoiling our princess.

Christina“ Yes indeed also getting some food for that Owl.

God I hate that Owl and how it nuzzles in her chest that should be me and Christina!

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