4. Deleted Scene: The Dragon Warrior Appears

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4. Deleted Scene: The Dragon Warrior Appears

Location: Jade Palace courtyard

"The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!" Oogway announced enthusiastically.
Po couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What?!"
The Furious Five next to him couldn't believe it either, and shouted: "What?!"
Including Master Shifu and Master Shen at the same time, who had observed everything in amazement. Even Mr. Ping, who had managed to open the gate in the meantime, stood there with an open beak.
In the next moment, there was a sound of a dong that Shifu couldn't prevent. In an instant, confetti flew through the air and all the villagers cheered loudly: "Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior!"
"Stop!" Shifu shouted when he saw a guard of geese hurrying down the stairs to the square with a litter. "Wait! Who told you to...?"
But all of his protests were ignored. Master Shifu raced down the stairs quickly. Master Shen, who was not that fast, hobbled after him to the yard as fast as he could. There the geese had already maneuvered the panda into the litter, but they were in dire need of getting the panda up. They carried away the chosen Dragon Warrior on shaky legs.
"Master Oogway, wait!" Master Shifu shouted when he finally stood in the courtyard. "That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem."
Master Shen subscribed to the little master's opinion, after completing the half marathon. "Exactly. He's a noodle seller. No, even less, he's the son of a noodle seller. You must have been wrong!"
"He's right!" Shifu agreed. "You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her. That was just an accident!"
"There are no accidents," Master Oogway insisted on his judgment.
At that moment the panda crashed through the palanquin and hit the bottom . Even the geese simply couldn't move any further, so in the end, pigs had to help out with the carrying to lead the heavy panda up the steps to the Jade Palace.
Shen and Shifu gave Oogway a stunned look, which the turtle acknowledged with a good-natured, warm smile. Then he moved away and the peacock also preferred to leave the place.
"I better go back to my house."
Shortly after the white peacock had settled in his own palanquin, he looked down at the little master with pity. "Then you will have the big task of training and instructing him. I don't envy you for it."
The peacock signaled the antelopes and they lifted the stretcher.
"Good luck," Shen said to Master Shifu. "You will need it."
Still stunned by what had just happened a few minutes ago, Shifu looked after the former kung fu master who was carried away.
"Forgive us, Master," Master Tigress said at that moment. "We have failed you."
"No," Shifu corrected her and held up his hand. "If the panda has not quit by morning, then I will have failed you."

This chapter was translated from German into English by me and corrected by fanfiction.net user Starless echoes.

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