Chapter Eleven

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Authors Note:

Here is after an unmentionable amount of time the latest chapter. To be honest it was a little stiff but hopefully I'm back into it now. Enjoy!
Anaya xx

It had been three days since they'd found out that Peter Essex had died. There had been no warnings. Carmen was almost asleep at the Del Vechio's with Trent propped up on the pillows beside her. He was rummaging through his phone and had been for about an hour. Carmen couldn't have been taking less notice of him if she had tried. And then he told her that Peter Essex had died.

And now there would be a funeral. It was still a shock to everyone who knew him. And more than anything Carmen knew everybody’s eyes would be on Sienna. The girl who had overnight become the odd combination of orphan and millionaire.

That morning Carmen's mother came into the Del Vechio's apartment dressed in a black dress and stilettos. But that wasn't anything new. She always wore a black dress and stilettos.

Carmen was sitting on the kitchen bench in front of Trent teasing him, trying to distract from the matter that was circling her head.

“Hi Ms. Van Kempen.” Trent said standing up to shake her hand. Carmen had no idea how his parents could've possibly raised him so well considering that they were hardly ever around.

“Hello Trent.” Jacqueline said with drawing her hand from his shake promptly and raising an eyebrow at Carmen who was looking down. She was always a bit short with Trent. She thought he was a sad excuse for a person letting Carmen crawl all over him.

Trent looked from Carmen to Jacqueline unsure of exactly what was going on.

Carmen quickly finished her orange juice and swung her bag over her shoulder. There hadn't been any need to explain it to Trent but her and her mother were going out for breakfast before the funeral.

“I'll see you at the church.” Carmen said brushing past Trent. He was going to go with some of his and Sienna's friends, so even though she'd never admit it she was kind of glad she could go with her mother rather than tagging along and being scowled at the whole time.

Jacqueline carefully examined Carmen's attire. It wasn't very often at all that she would totally approve Carmen's choices in any matter. The neckline curved only just beneath the collarbone with a subtle silver design, it covered the shoulders and it was loose enough around the skirt.

“You look nice.” Jacqueline said eventually finally able to genuinely believe it.

“I'll see you later, Carmen.” Trent said as Jacqueline and Carmen left for the elevator.

They walked to a breakfast cafe about three streets into the main city called The Crumpet that was wedged into a skinny terrace building.

“What will you have?” Jacqueline asked Carmen not looking up from her phone.

“Just eggs benedict. And an apricot Danish. And a flat white.” Carmen said each of the items slowly coming to her mind.

“Just an eggs benedict, apricot Danish and flat white.” Jacqueline said rolling her eyes at the way Carmen made it sound like that was a small breakfast.

Jacqueline ordered for both of them and paid before they found their seats. It was a very small complex especially considering the number of people. Anywhere else it might have been frustrating but for some reason the chaos of it all held a certain charm.

“So.” Jacqueline took a moment to pour them both out glasses of water and take a sip from hers before continuing her sentence. “Is Sienna okay.”

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