Sixteen. The Other Boi

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"Dylan?! What the fūck are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Sweden?!" Daisy exclaimed, blinking profusely because she couldn't believe what her ocular nerves were reading. And yet, each time she blinked, the werewolf standing in front of her didn't disappear. The same werewolf she'd run with through the forest during late nights and snowstorms. That was the same werewolf who approached her despite her resting bïtch face. The same brown-furred werewolf who didn't mind the odd video chat hours due to their different time zones. 

Daisy had to crane her neck to look him in the eyes because she forgot all about transitioning into her real form. She was too busy thinking about a particular ogre, despite everyone around them partying in their true skin. He was about the same height as Daisy in her werewolf form, decked out in a white hoodie and tanned chinos, not bothering with shoes because shoes and werewolf feet do not mix. He had the same lopsided grin that Daisy remembered, but most noticeable of all, was his breathtaking heterochromia eyes: the right warm like the earth and the left fresh like the arctic breeze. Daisy couldn't choose which eye to focus on, they were both equally magnetic, and they stared at her in amusement. 

"You forget I'm best friends with a sorcerer," Dylan teased in a smooth baritone voice. His voice wasn't as hypnotic as Mark's, but it was still nice to listen to. 

Speak of the devil. Theo sprang up from behind Dylan. "Daisy, I'm so happy you made it! The rest of us are chilling in my room. It's quieter there if you wanna go, and the company's cool." Translation: Mark was there. 

Daisy found herself smiling slightly at Theo's hidden message, catching both boys off guard, especially Dylan. 

"We were just grabbing refreshments and snacks before going back. You wanna come with?"

Daisy nodded and followed the boys to Theo's kitchen. She still didn't bother with changing to her werewolf form. She eyed the sorcerer. They were pretty closely matched in height, with Daisy being slightly taller. Theo, who only had one form, wore his familial sorcerer robed: a crystal white velvet with gold engravings woven throughout of his family's name, their values, ancestors, and strongest of spells. The spells themselves were only snippets, as only the family had access to the entire spell. Daisy couldn't read a single word because it was in Mandarin, but still, she appreciated the beauty of each character. 

Thankfully, Theo didn't just wear the robe, but he did wear a neon green crop top with Gucci sweatpants, black Vercasce socks, and Dolce & Gabanna grass floral flip flops. His sandals legit had grass and flowers on them, looking like he made them himself with whatever he could find in his garden. Daisy never bothered thinking too into Theo's style because she'd only end up with a migraine and more questions. Instead, she simply acknowledged the boy's taste for the expensive. 

Everyone they walked by, hollered, said hi, or preached about how great the party was. A few were ecstatic to see Dylan, asking him about Sweden and hockey. Daisy wasn't bothered that no one paid her any mind. She preferred it that way, only glaring at a couple of weird stares, likely because no one expected the cold-hearted Alpha werewolf to be casually walking with the host of the party and his best friend. 

What was interesting about everything Daisy observed was how Dylan and Theo interacted with each other as if they hadn't been a part since summer. 

"How often do you teleport Dylan over here?" The Alpha curiously inquired as the three of them loaded up plates with all the junk food and edibles gravity permitted them to pile up. 

Theo and Dylan hesitantly looked at each other. Dylan coincidentally shoved a brownie into his mouth the split second after Daisy asked her question. She raised an eyebrow at the werewolf, smirking before glancing back at the nervous sorcerer. 

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