Eight : Her Hidden Potential

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Classes were a blur. Not so much because I had practice today, but because of the looming dread and constant anxiety I faced the whole day.

It wasn't like that of me to worry or get cautious over something so basic and trivial as "hiding your girlfriend because everyone just saw you guys hate each other and fight the other day."

My thoughts kept racing and running different scenarios as to how they would find out.

They could start with Oikawa. Break him down and interrogate him. Since he's always in both of our faces, he could be an easy target. He even missed the meeting with the coaches to come and track us down.

They could hang up in the group chat. I don't imagine any first years would have interest, but my worries lie between Hanamaki and Matsukawa. Takahiro because he's really close to Y/n and he could easily pry it out of her. And Issei because of his connections between me and Oikawa.

Yahaba could easily be apart of this equation, what with his personal issues against the both of us, and his dying patience with the unnecessary things he sees Oikawa getting into.

I shook those thoughts out of my head. I turned to the board of my last class and started taking the notes I missed. I pulled out my textbook and started doing practice questions and review.

I shake those thoughts away. No way in hell could that happen in less than a day of us becoming official. I didn't even really tell Oikawa that was the case.

I mean he did kinda figure it out, but he doesn't have enough brain cells to put 2 and 2 together. That dumbass!

I start one of the last questions of the assignment when my phone pings. I turn it on to see a message notification.


Y/n L/n
Has anyone from the VB team asked or said anything? Hanamaki surprisingly hasn't or just doesnt know. No first years either. Do you feel any anxiety about this? Or is it just me?

Also did you get your bracket for IH prelims?

Shit! I completely forgot the first rounds are in a week. I'm sure the coaches'll have them soon enough.

I look over the text a few times, trying to figure out the right thing to say.

I keep typing and deleting over and over, until I finally reach a verdict.

"No one has. I'm hoping I don't need to add a 'yet' to that. Matsukawa hasn't asked shit. Maybe Oikawa was being genuine and didn't say shit?! Also I'm fucking panicking in my shoes, how about you?

Also I have no clue about the brackets.

I hit send and shove my phone back into my pocket, awaiting some response.


The final bell rings and I rush out to the courtyard, awaiting the team and some time alone. Just a little till practice kicks off.

A little time with y/n.

I screw around with Instagram until I see her walk out of the school. She looks around suspiciously, adhering to the possibility that someone could he watching. She scurries over and we duck behind a wall near the gym.

"Holy shit I'm on edggggge!" She drags the word "edge" and pants while she places her hands on her knees.

"And how was the first day?" I ask, directing that to the first day of us.

The first day being together.

"Ummm....fucking nerve racking. I didn't think I could be that cautious and anxious about a relationship. And the only one who has the slightest clue is my best friend who is a dunce when it comes to social intelligence."

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