a smile

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a smile a day
keeps the doctor away

it sounds silly
but smiling
is healthy
and makes me happier

it makes me
less stressed out
which means i'm
less tired too
and therefore happier
and healthier

i smile at strangers
and ignore them if they catcall me
hard to do but not impossible

i smile at people i kind of know
but i don't know them too well
i just want to make their day
a little bit nicer

i smile at my friends
not that i have many
but i want to keep them
so i try to be kind to them

i smile at my family
because even though
i spend every waking minute with them
and i'm so tired of them
they're still my family
and no one else loves me
like they do

i smile at myself in the mirror
and i'm happy

i'm prettier when i smile
my eyes are sparkly
my lips wider
my personality shines through

a smile a day
keeps the doctor away

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