
17 1 2

You don't know who you are.

For years you were the good child, the one who learned from her older sister's mistakes. Sure, you made mistakes too, but she bore the brunt of punishments. You two bonded as you watched and listened to your parents fight, in the car on road trips, late at night when you were supposed to be asleep, when your sister wasn't doing what she was supposed to be doing.

Then she left for college, and suddenly it was your turn to be scrutinized, your every behavior dissected and turned into something bad, a reflection on your poor character and inability to be successful at what you want to do --


This is not true.

You are seventeen and you are human and no human is perfect, especially not seventeen-year-old ones. And, by the way, you're extraordinarily mature for a seventeen-year-old.

And you don't have to know who you are yet, because as soon as you figure it out, you'll change, and that's the best part of life.

And I love you.

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