Chapter 1

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For as long as Chan has known Jihoon - which has been five years if anyone is wondering - he has never been able to read the older. Jihoon only shows primitive emotions like when he is happy, he will smile subtly or raise an amused brow or laugh boisterously if you are his best friend Choi Seungcheol. When he is angry he turns stoic and his eyes turn into sharp slits as they glare at you; the reason for his anger. Literally the only emotions he shows to the world and he friends.

Chan knows that Soonyoung and Seungcheol are the only ones that can fully read Jihoon or elicit some sort of reaction from him. Soonyoung usually brings out frustration and middle irritation while Seungcheol brings out every other emotion all together. They have known him the longest out of all the other ten in their friend group fter all, having been friends for eighteen years, the three. So it is understandable.

But sometimes Chan thinks there is more to Jihoon and Seungcheol's story. The reason because of who they are around each other. Jihoon with Seungcheol is expressive. Seungcheol is the only person that can get through to Jihoon anytime and Chan means anytime. Especially when he is angry, the others tend to avoid Jihoon - himself included - when he is angry or on a daily because Jihoon is nothing if not intimidating. Yet Seungcheol doesn't seem to care when Jihoon sends him that terrifying glare or throws him harsh looks and pushes him away. Chan would have let it go the second Jihoon tells him to fuck off in that really deep and angry voice followed by a scowl and a glare. Seungcheol doesn't though, if anything, he just pesters the younger more until Jihoon caves and decides to humor the other. Chan has always found that amazing because if it had been one of them, any of them, then they would be walking away crying or cursing and yelling in his Jeonghan hyung's case.

That is why when Jihoon sits next to him and not Seungcheol that day, he is more than shocked. His eyes making their way to Seungcheol who is sitting between a very confused Minghao and a shocked Wonwoo. No offense to them but Seungcheol would never sit next to them during a hangout and that is because all they do is read or talk about books. Seungcheol has pointed that out before. They all wanted to question it, but then they look at Jihoon's scowl and they decide to keep their mouths shut choosing to not be at the receiving end of the short males' glare.

So they decided to ignore the tension between the two best friends and continue with their hangout. Jihoon stuck to his computer, typing away, not once looking up or even showing any signs of caring about their presence. On the other hand, Seungcheol would look at him with a frown or a small sad smile every once in a while and everyone noticed. Chan would like to believe that Jihoon did as well. He must have right? There is no way in hell he missed those sad looks. Right?

Chan looks to Soonyoung who seems to be frowning as well, and taps his shoulder motioning between the two. Soonyoung sighs before standing up getting everyone's attention. "Fix it, whatever is going on between you to, fix it" He says and Jihoon looks up to Seungcheol, scowl trecthing his lips down.

"Jihoon threw the promise bracelet into a wall before we came here" Seungcheol says and Soonyoung turns to Jihoon – scratch that, they all turn to Jihoon – shocked. Everyone knows how much that bracelet means to Seungcheol, it plays the role of a promise ring, the physical ties of their friendship. How can Jihoon just discard it like that? Why would Jihoon just discard it like that?

"At least I know where my bracelet is Seungcheol" Jihoon says and if Chan could faint, he would. Jihoon has never called Seungcheol by his full name. It has always been cute nicknames that make them want to cringe like 'Cheollie-hyung' 'cheolbun' Coups-hyung' 'You stupid cutie' anything but Seungcheol. Not even when he is so angry he could explode has he said that name. It's unspoken among the group as to why, but they have always believed that the day Jihoon calls Seungcheol by his name, their friendship would end.

"It is a mistake, I didn't even know it went missing Jihoon" Seungcheol defends "I would never lose that necklace on purpose" That's when Chan's eyes make it to Seungcheol's neck where the gold chain usually hangs. It really is not there. Now how the hell did Seungcheol lose the stepping stone necklace? To Chan's knowledge, his hyung never ever takes it off. He once touched it and got his hand smacked for it, so how can Seungcheol, the man who loves that necklace like it was his own daughter, lose it?

"Why would you take it off in the first place? You never took it off" Jihoon speaks, computer completely forgotten. Chan looks between the two with a frown. Is Jihoon angry? He looks quiet calm to be angry. But why is he angry? Chan gets it, its a gift from him, but it was an accident, so why?

"I said I was sorry! Yet you took the bracelet off and threw past my head and into the wall behind me" Seungcheol yells and Jihoon sighs. "There was absolutely no need to do that" Seungcheol points out. Chan can't help but agree with the older. That was a little too dramatic Jihoon. He can't believe he just thought that.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" And motion stops in the whole room. For as long as they have known Jihoon he never ever yells. Yet here he is, face red, on his feet looking at Seungcheol after yelling. The whole room is in a state of shock. "We made a promise to each other the day I got you that necklace, we vowed Cheol" Jihoon says. Chan blinks, confusion running through his nerves. What vows?

"I don't get it" Jeonghan butts in. Everyone but Jihoon looks at him. "It's just a necklace and yours was a promise bracelet Jihoon. I think Seungcheol's anger is justified" He adds. Chan gapes at his hyung. Dang Jeonghan hyung, that was brutal, but he has to admit, Jeonghan hyung makes a good point.

"Yeah, If he lost it, you guys can just look for it or better yet, buy promise rings together of something. You shouldn't make a big deal out of this Jihoon, it honestly stupid and annoying" Joshua adds and once again Chan gapes at his hyung. That was a harsh blow Joshua hyung. Why did he have to phrase it like that?

Then the others begin agreeing, pointing out how Jihoon is blowing it out of proportion and it is unnecessary for him to do so. Chan looks at Jihoon, who is looking down, his hands in his sweatpants. Chan tilts his head slightly trying to see the others' face but to no avail as the hoodie is covering it. Was that necklace really just another accessory? Jihoon would not make a big deal out of something so small, he is just not the type of person. which bring him back to why? Why did Jihoon hyung look so affected by this?

"They have appoint Jihoonie" Seungcheol says and Jihoon looks at him "We can go buy another, together this time, matching necklaces, okay?" Chan turn to Soonyoung. Soonyoung is looking at Seungcheol with a sad expression mixed with disbelief. Small tears collecting in the eyes of the other one. Soonyoung is known to be emotional so Chan does not know if the reason for his tears is joy or sadness. Then again he couldo just be confusing himself.

"Yeah, sure" Jihoon agrees and the group cheers. Before they could resume the hangout, Jihoon's phone rings and he excuses himself. They didn't see him for the rest of the day after that.



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