Chapter 4

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At this point, Chan is used to Jihoon's disappearances and reappearances. What he is not used to is the drastic changes he goes through during those times. It gets scarier eveytime and Chan is sure everyone in the group has noticed that something is wrong with Jihoon at this point. It can't only be him, Seungkwan and Vernon that cannot be right.

This disappearance seems to have been the worst for Jihoon though. They are all in the middle of their end of semester exams and it is stressing the hell out of them, Chan is not going to lie, there are days where he feels like jumping off a cliff or something, but then he literally only has to take one look at Jihoon and he changes his mind. Chan looks up to Jihoon, the music producer being his biggest role model - even if took so long to actually admit it to himself - so if Jihoon has not given up, neither will he. But Chan is so worried about his hyung he has to force himself to study.

His worries definitely intensified when Jihoon came back to school two days ago. Jihoon looked his worst. He has black bags under his eyes, he looks exhausted and weak, like he is barely holding himself together and he has lost weight its insane. Jihoon is so thin it had Soonyoung bawling his eyes out when he saw his friend that day, holding him tight and demanding answers as to what happened. Jihoon told them his school is taking a toll on him and Chan calls bullshit. That cannot be the main reason. It just can't. There is now way in hell.

Chan wants to ask, but Jihoon is hiding it so well. He hides it so well it confuses Chan so much. Even now as they sit, eating breakfast before those writing go write, Jihoon is having a normal conversation with Soonyoung, lightly playing with his food. Chan does not understand, how can one be like that?

"Hey Soonyoung, let's have a study date today. Just you, Jihoon and I" Seungcheol offers. "I miss hanging out with you guys" He adds. Chan wonders why that is. With the amount of time he spends with Joshua, it is no wonder he does not hangout with his best friend anymore. Are they even best friends? Are they even friends with Seungcheol a this point?

Chan looks at Soonyoung waiting for an answer, but blinks when he sees that both of them are staring at Seungcheol's exposed neck. Chan turn his gaze to the same place and frowns, for two completely different reasons. One: Seungcheol is not wearing the necklace that put a dent in his relationship with Jihoon and two:

"Cheol-hyung is that a hickey?"

The whole table loses its shit. The boys hollering and whistling loudly. Joshua blushing profusely, his entire face is practically beet red and Seungcheol trying to calm them down as they were making noise. When the boys have calmed down they begin asking questions. So many absurd questions all ignored except for Jihoon's comment

"You broke promise again" Jihoon says and it's like a thick dark blanket cover the boys removing all the light. That is the moment they realize that Jihoon is still at the table. Chan does not want to think about why looking at his broken hyung and realizing that he is here sends him frowning "You took off the necklace" He adds and Jeonghan chuckles softly. Before he could comment though, Jihoon's ringtone cuts through the air. The producer quickly picks up his phone and answers it.

"Hello hyung" Jihoon answers. That is the only thing he says throughout the call. Chan watches as he hums in reply every few moments until he stops replying all at once. Five minutes later Jihoon is switching off is his phone. He puts it on the table along with the bracelet Seungcheol gave him and in heist, he runs out of the cafeteria. The whole cafeteria watches the scene unfold shocked. What just happened?

"Go after him" Soonyoung says holding out Jihoon's items to Seungcheol. Chan does not know why he just doesn't go himself, like isn't he Jihoon's best friend as well? Is the reason wht Chan thinks it is?

"I will do it" Jeonghan says reaching for the items. Soonyoung pulls back still looking at Seungcheol. Jeonghan look at him with a light glare "I said, I will go after Jihoon"

"Seungcheol. Go to him" Soonyoung presses ignoring Jeonghan's angry glare. "Seungcheol-hyung" Soonyoung basically hisses. Jeonghan huffs angrily

"Soonyoung" He whispers yells "I, too am one of Jihoon's friend now give hyung the damn phone and let me go find him dammit" Jeonghan growls snatching the things from Soonyoung and walking out of the cafeteria. Chan sighs shaking his head, what is becoming of his friend group?

"Seungcheol-hyung, I won't tell you again; go to Jihoon" Soonyoung says, this time his tone holding finality. Chan does not want to know what will happen to Seungcheol does not heed to Soonyoung's words. 

"Why?" Jun asks "Why are you forcing him to do something he does not want to do?" He adds. Soonyoung does not look away from Seungcheol though, no, in fact he just darkens his gaze.

"Hyung, go find Jihoon, you know why you have to" Soonyoung says. Jeonghan returns to them looking defeated. Chan had no expectations either. Chan is so glad he is not writing this week or else he is sure he would have failed that module. This is more than his poor heart and overthinking mind can handle.

"I couldn't find him" Jeonghan say looking sad as he sits down. He hands the phone back to Soonyoung with sad pout and a defeated sigh. Chan looks at Soonyoung as he takes the phone and pockets it before standing up. "Are you going to find him?"

"No, I won't be able to" Soonyoung says turning his gaze to Seungcheol once again "But Cheol should be able to, if he wants to" He adds. Chan believes Soonyoung has said those words to remind Seungcheol of something, what it is he will never know or he refuses to acknowledge, but he hopes it's big enough to get Seungcheol out of that sit and running out of the cafeteria to find Jihoon. It isn't, because his hyung just sits there, looking down at his food.

Frustrated, Chan stands up "Where can I find him?" He asks Seungcheol who looks at him shocked. Chan has always been quiet about everything Jihoon and others know that it's because he fears Jihoon in every sense, also the fact that they are or they were the same person so they would clash. All that is not important right now though, Jihoon needs somebody and the person he probably need the most isn't going to him. It is sad to see, really. Once best friends and are now avoiding each other.

"What?" Seungcheol asks and Chan almost punches him. Soonyoung left because he has a dance evaluation, sort of like his exam, so there is no one else who would force Seungcheol to go find Jihoon. Why is Seungcheol even hesitating? This is his best friend they are talking about, shouldn't he be running without warning or hesitation? Seungcheol should have been out of the door the moment Jihoon went through it. The heck is he still doing here for crying out loud?

"Hyung! This is Jihoon we are talking about. Your freaking best friend of eighteen years needs you right now!" Chan all but yells at Seungcheol. "Why are you still sitting here? What on earth are you still here for instead of wherever Soonyoung is sure he is comforting him?" Chan asks again frustrated this time.

Why is Seungcheol not going to find Jihoon?



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