Chapter Twenty-One

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(Next day - Outfit One)

Since Dustin was gone for camp, I hadn't gotten used to not hearing him up in the morning. And, I guess he had gotten used to not being quiet in the morning. Dustin told me that every morning, the kids on camp would meet for meals together and then disperse into different groups according to their ages. He sang to himself as he made breakfast for himself. I pulled the curtains aside to see a light fog hovering over the yard.

After sitting in bed for a few minutes, I left my room to grab breakfast. "Finally, I was waiting for you to get up," Dustin tilted his head back as he groaned. I chuckled and grabbed the orange juice and a bowl of cereal. I noticed my brother swinging his legs back n' forth, humming the song he had been singing earlier.

"You're in a good mood," I commented, leaning against the kitchen island. He grinned and looked up at me, his eyes turning upwards as he smiled. "I get to see Steve soon," Dustin said, "I can't wait to tell him about Suzie." Since returning from last night's signal, he tried to understand what we heard. Neither of us knew what we discovered. Part of me doesn't even want to know what we discovered.

Dustin finished his plate of frozen waffles and set his dish in the sink. I pointed at the sink, signaling him to clean his dishes; he was infamous for leaving them in the sink and never cleaning them. He rolled his eyes and complied. "You and Steve will not smash faces in front of me," my brother said. "Not making any promises," I put my hands up, "Go get ready."

He jumped from the stool, running over to his room. After breakfast, I changed (Outfit Two) and met my brother in the car. Dustin kept talking about the radio interference to Robin's house. Stella said goodbye to her aunt and uncle and ran down the driveway where my car was parked. "Hey," I greeted. She smiled, climbing into the backseat.

"Good morning," she buckled herself in. Within twenty minutes, we made it over to the mall. I could get the next two days covered by a couple of other employees. Hazel was at her dad's in California for the next two days. I parked in my usual spot, and we headed to Scoops Ahoy. Robin was standing behind the counter with a very bored expression. I could tell that some days weren't always fun for her.

Although she hates to admit it, she enjoyed her shifts with Steve. I knew the two of them had arguments, but seeing them bicker like siblings was pretty hilarious. Stella tied the apron around her waist and went into the back to clock in for the day. Dustin walked up to the parlor's counter with his classic big smile. "Hi," he said. "Hi," Robin replied. Dustin asked for my boyfriend, to which Robin questioned who he was asking for.

Steve bursts through the doors just then, cheering at my brother's arrival. Stella jumped back when the door almost hit her in the head. "Henderson! He's back! He's back!" my boyfriend exclaimed. He threw his arms up into the air, with my brother giggling hysterically. After not doing it for three weeks, Dustin and Steve did their special handshake. Robin waited patiently for them to finish their greeting. "How many children are you friends with?" she leaned against the counter with her hands. Steve sighed and pointed at her in an introduction motion.

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