Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Later - Same Outfit)

Lucas' idea of launching fireworks seemed like the best idea. The monster sat in the middle of the mall, its thick legs extending on either side of the food court. Steve, Stella, and I stood together, taking turns throwing fireworks at the monster. Colors upon colors burst everywhere. I dodged a couple of sparks as they headed our way. "Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas exclaimed and threw a bright firework.

It was only a matter of time before we would run out of weapons. And sure enough, we did. "Y/N/N," Stella said. I looked down and saw that there was nothing left in the box. "Dustin! We're out!" Steve shouted, grabbing the radio from the side. The colorful sparks diminished. I peered over the edge of the railing, seeing Hazel completely unconscious.

Billy hovered over Eleven as the Mind Flayer continued to be tossed around. Mike and Max ran from the side right when the monster's arm pierced Billy's chest. Steve grabbed my arm, taking me away from the ledge. "Billy!" Max screamed. 

I escaped from Steve's grip and bolted down the stairs. "Y/N!" Steve yelled. Stella followed me, grabbing my hand as we ran over to Hazel. A large wound was at the bottom of her leg, a fresh bruise on the side of her neck. Stella set Hazel's head in her lap, trying to get her up. "Hazel? C'mon?" I cried, "Please." I pushed her hair out of her face.

Hazel's eyes slowly opened, squinting at the sudden dull light from above. "Hey, guys," she croaked. I chuckled through the tears. "Oh my god," Stella sighed. Hazel sat up from the ground and wrapped her arms around us. I felt my shoulder become wet from tears. I drew my eyes up to see Max hugging Eleven. I reached my hand forward with Max setting her shaking hand into mine.


(Later - Same Outfit)

Today's events played over and over in my head. My head hurt, my whole body hurt, frankly. Now that we were sitting down, I felt the pain at the back of my neck and the pain in my arms and legs. It spread everywhere like wildfire. Stella sniffled and quickly wiped her tears away.

"It's okay," Hazel lightly kissed Stella's cheek. I had lost Steve in the midst of getting treated by the EMTs. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked through the crowd in hopes Dustin or Steve would appear. "They'll show up," Stella's voice was hoarse. I nodded at her, trying to convince myself everything would return to normal. But part of me felt like nothing would be the same.

You'd think that by going through more Demogorgon and Upside Down shit, I'd finally get used to everything, but I think that nobody would get through this with one pep talk and a final handshake. "Y/N!" Dustin screamed. I tore my focus away from the damp concrete to see Dustin sprinting down the parking lot, with Robin and Erica following close behind. The thick blanket fell from my arms when I practically flew from the back of the EMT.

Dustin's arms wrapped around my waist, embracing me tightly. I cried, kneeling to the ground to his level. "I thought you were dead," Dustin said in relief. "I'm not. I'm right here, bud," I said. I looked up from the hug to see Robin. I reached an arm out, gesturing for her. She smiled and joined the hug between me and my brother. "Were those fireworks?" Robin asked.

"Yeah," I said, laughing. Robin laughed and hugged me. I looked up from the hug to find Steve being questioned by some EMTs. His focus was interrupted when he felt my eyes on his. My boyfriend pushed the EMT's hands away and rushed over to me. Robin took her arm off, pulling Dustin to the side. 

I stumbled back as Steve collapsed me into a hug. His hug was tighter than ever, more desperate than the hugs we'd shared before. Steve leaned back with his hands sitting on either side of my face. Robin looked over her shoulder to see Max sitting beside Hazel and Stella. She excused herself and walked towards the two. 

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