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andie, karlo, and eliotte's adventures on acid
part two: electric boogaloo

they pull up to a block of quaint and weathered condos, where eliotte lives with his grandfather. karlo moves to sound the horn, but andie pulls his hand away.

she glares at him, voice tinged in annoyance.
"dude, are you fucking insane? can you try not to be an asshole for once."

karlo dramatically points to himself with a flourish, then mockingly retorts like a scorned christian woman.
"me? an asshole? never in my life!"

he threatens to honk again and during their bickering, they don't notice an exhausted eliotte trying to open the door to the back seat. only after he knocks on the window, karlo takes notice and lets him in, where he immediately slumps over into the fetal position.

karlo and andie look at each other, concerned.
"uh, you good back there?"

eliotte only groans in response, sounding like some walking dead shit. karlo curiously goes to poke his slouched form. he shrugs and turns on the engine again, about to continue driving.

"oh my god why do i have to be the only fucking responsible one here! stop the goddamn car."

that seemed to scare karlo into silence for at least a second, and looked back at eliotte, who winced with pain.

a few seconds passed, the. he dragged himself upright and rubbed his eyes.

"sorry guys, i have the worst fucking headache of my life"
he grimaced as he clicked in his seatbelt
"it was just so loud with y'all talking and the engine...i think i actually blacked out for a second?"

andie's face flushed with guilt and she timidly apologized.

"nah, you're good. it's him i'm worried about"
eliotte gestured to the driver
"if the pain won't kill me, this idiot sure will"

karlo flashed a wry smile in response
"wow, thanks for the confidence. can i start driving now?"

finally, the show was back on the road and the crew made their way to tommy's for some pregame snacks.

the ancient sedan precariously pulled up to the roadside shack, a run-down joint that's probably served teenagers greasy slop since the 50s.

"oh shit it's closed, it's another 20 minutes until it opens up"

andie leans over the console to get a closer look

"are you sure it hasn't been shut down by the fda yet, i wouldn't be surprised"
she sunk back into her seat, the thought of ingesting any of their "meat" made her nauseous.
"that shit is rancid. the food probably has like, salmonella in it."

eliotte replied from behind
"honestly i'm so hungry i don't even care. why did we have to leave this early anyway?"

andie chuckled and turned her attention to the driver
"great question, why exactly did you make us wake up at 10 am, huh?"

karlo shittly parked next to the building, purposely slamming the breaks extra hard to startle them.

"whoa, y'all are ganging up on me even without sam!"
he held his hands up
"girl i have places to be! things to do! 10's not even that early."

fxxing tommy!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя