Zachary Hanna

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Zachary Hanna is driving too slow.

The dinner party started ten minutes ago, and he is late.

Marisa will be waiting for him. But there is something he has to do first.

A carton of eggs in his hand, he's got the lights turned off and is pulling up beside the smallest house in Blue Ridge Park, occupied by his current archenemy, Jaden Louis. He pulls into park and opens the door, launching egg after egg at the house. With his expert basketball skills, he can aim pretty well. Twelve yellow splotches on the siding.

The biodegradable carton lands on the curb as Zachary slams the door and shrieks away, flooring the gas.

Two minutes later, he pulls up slowly into the large driveway of the Farmer's house and turns down the volume of his music.

The door is answered a half second after he rings the bell. It's Marisa. Zachary looks her up and down quickly.

"Nice," he says.

Marisa slaps him across the face.

"Where have you been, you idiot?" she whispers. "And then ringing this doorbell like we're not in the middle of grace?"

Zachary rubs his cheek and does his best to look sorry.

"I thought you were going to leave me alone with all these old people," she pouts.

Zachary puts his hand on her face. "No way would I do that. That's like sentencing you to a long and painful death."

She giggles and stands on her tiptoes to kiss him. In a second, she pulls away.

"Come on, they'll be wondering where we are."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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