And The Winner Is.....

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Seth's POV

'All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run better run outrun my gun.'

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run better run outrun my bullet.'

Everyone in the car was singing to Foster The People. We pulled up to the hotel. Roman picked up Noel while Dean and I grabbed her bags. When we got in the house Noel started to wake up. 

"Daddy." She said quietly.

"Yes princess?" He asked.

"You can put me down now." He smiled and placed her back on her feet.

"You know something Pumpkin?" Dean asked.

"What?" Noel said.

"I didn't get my hug!" He said walking closer to her. She started to back up while giggling.

"Yeah, neither did I!" Roman said.

"Seth." Noel said grinning looking at me for help.

"Let's get 'em!" I told her. I playfully rang the bell. Roman and I locked up while Dean was getting "kicked" by Noel. I got on top of Roman and started acting like I was punching him while Noel layed on top of Dean. I started counting.




We all laughed and brushed ourselves off. Noel got up and gave Roman and Dean a hug.

"I'm hungry." She said.

"Who's cooking this time?" I said. Roman and Dean quickly said, "Not it!"

"Ah come on guys!" Dean and Noel laughed at me and went in the living room to watch TV. Roman followed me in the kitchen. I blushed and looked back at him.

"Can I help you?"

"That's what I was gonna ask you." He said leaning back on the counter and smirking up at me.

"Oh I," I started but got cut off by my phone. I looked at the caller ID to see it was my boyfriend Randy. "Sorry." I told Roman and walked outside.


"Seth, get your a**to my hotel room!"



I hung up the phone and walked in the house. I rushed upstairs so no one would see me crying. I don't wanna go back to that abusive and drunken sob. I grabbed my stuff and rushed to the door, but Roman blocked me from going outside.

"Seth, what's going on?"

"Please..." I said trying to push past him.

"Seth, tell me what's wrong!"

"If I stay here any longer he's, never mind."

"Seth, who's gonna do what?" He said grabbing me.

"Randy." I whispered and ran out the door.

Roman's POV

I groaned and put my head in my hands. I told Dean what was going on and asked him to cook instead. He told Noel that I had something to do. Which was true. I wasn't gonna let that asshole Randy do anymore damage to Seth. He's been hurting Seth for years.


We were at Dean's birthday party. I saw Seth appear with Randy Orton holding him tightly. I thought it was a bit weird but decided not to question it.
"Hey Rome." Seth said giving me a hug.
"Hey Seth." I said returning the hug. Someone cleared their throat behind Seth.
"Randy." I said awkwardly letting go of Seth. Suddenly he snatched Seth away.
"Uh, I'll talk to you later Rome." Seth said.


That night I Seth disappeared. Two days later he came to work with bruises on his arms. He claimed it was from working out, but I knew he hasn't been to the gym in those last two days because I didn't see him there. Dean, Seth, and I all go to Crossfit. Unless Seth went to a regular gym. (Which only happens when there's not a Crossfit in that area.) I knew a person had to have made those bruises. Seth doesn't even know I know. I have to find him.

There's chapter 2!!! I know there isn't that many reads, but that's fine. I'M GONNA CARRY ON! Lol

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