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hello how was your exams

mine were fine, i think i did good on them but my brain hurts from thinking and studying too much

same honestly, but i think i failed physics


yeah i wasnt confident on that one
there were really confusing questions i didnt understand lol
the material i studied wasnt even on the test

oh 😭 my physics wasnt bad but yeah but a lot what i studied too wasnt on the test either

its pure bullshit
anygays other than that how are you

im decent just a bit annoyed


well my dad is being an ass abt our relationship i guess
he got mad cus he found out that i had you over at my house a couple weeks ago
he just now brought it up for some reason, but apparently he walked into my room while we were sleeping and he saw we were cuddling and also shirtless
so basically he knew (but also assumed) we had sex together cus we weren't wearing our shirts
then he went off abt how hes worried i will become "like a girl" and assumed i was the bottom
and then we argued abt it

wow what an asshole 😭
i mean you're not feminine at all let alone the bottom but even if you were it shouldnt matter to him what decisions you make
its your life not his 😐

thats the point i was trying to make to him
he was being very ignorant for no reason
my mom scolded him once again for it and told him to stop , then told me it was fine how im living and calmed me down
so im glad my mom accepts me

your mom seems really nice, im glad she's defending you
dont know why parents think its okay to control their kids love life tho

right , it's so stupid

but hey
i think we can change his mind, he might not be 100% open minded since he still has toxic masculinity but after he meets me he'll probably change his mind

yeah probably i will ask him hold on


alright well
he agreed to meeting you but he also wants to meet your parents

oh fr
i'll ask them abt it too
just asked them, they agreed

lets see how this goes 🖐


a/n astro cb news for august 2nd, how are we feeling roha ??

i'm excited asf but i thought they was gonna wait until like november or december not 3 months later 😳🖐 wow anygays

should i make a written chapter?? i kinda dont want to cus i want to keep the format of a texting story, but if i don't make a written part, i dont think the storyline will make much sense if you know what i mean ??
idk what do you all think, should i make a written part?

also i have made my decision to go by the name "corbin" now, i dont think my birthname suits me and corbin sounds much better

thank you for reading and have a good day / afternoon / night !! bye !!

-corbin (they/them)

aye whats ur snap?? - mjinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora