Chapter 3: The Bounty

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          I heard the Jedi speaking with one another about something behind the door of the Council Chamber. "If that holocron falls into the wrong hands, the entire Galaxy will be put in danger," said General Shaak Ti.

"We don't know where to even begin looking," said General Kenobi. "Master Yoda kept the information hidden from all of us. All we can do now is to trust that the Force will show the path."

"We seem to have a visitor," said General Luminara as she used the Force to open the door. "Fives, it's good to see you. I can sense that something is troubling you."

"Sorry to interrupt you all but I strongly believe that my life is in danger."

"How so?", she replied curiously.

"I was sent to Christophsis to aid Commander Bly and his battalion free hostages and stop the Imperial rebellion there. There was a group of them at our base outside the city and another in the city who were holding the hostages." I realized I was still standing at the entrance and made my way further into the room. "I devised a plan to sever the communication network between the two groups so that once we defeated the ones at our base, we could surprise the other group at the city without them seeing us coming. I was wrong. When we got there everything was quiet. Commander Bly found the hostages at the old Separatist headquarters, so Rex and I rushed over there to regroup with him. That's when I saw...or I thought I saw Kane."

"It wasn't him, was it?", asked General Kenobi.

"No, sir. It was not Kane. It was a hologram. It ended up being a trap. We were ambushed and the Imperials' first target was me. I got shot in the chest." I pointed to the hole in my armor. "I was lucky to survive the blast. And then I got to thinking. Someone wants me dead. And how they planned to kill me was by making me think I saw Kane. Whoever it was, they knew about us."

"Who do you think wants you dead?", General Luminara asked.

"It has to be the Twi'lek that took him," I replied, trying to control my anger. "She must have figured out our connection somehow."

"I believe it is safe to assume that as well," she stated. "Coincidently, shortly after you and Rex left us, we received information from Asajj Ventress about a bounty on a clone trooper. We didn't look into it because those appear all the time. But now that you told us what happened to you, it seems that the bounty may be on you."

"So, I should speak with Ventress then?", I asked. "She is a bounty hunter after all. Maybe she knows of who the bounty was offered to."

"Perhaps," General Luminara responded. "I hear she is still residing in her home on Level 1312. We will tell her to expect you."

"Thank you, Generals," I said with a salute.

"May the Force be with you, Fives," said General Kenobi with a smile.

           I left the Jedi to continue discussing the holocron that Rex mentioned and took a speeder down to Level 1312. I remember going down there for the first time with Kane when we were investigating the death of Maul. Ventress didn't seem so happy to help us out then, but lately, since the death of Sidious, she has seemed to open up more. I was shocked that she personally contacted the Council to give them information about a bounty on a clone trooper, who was most likely me. We worked together once to take down the former Chancellor. Hopefully, she will assist me in finding out who issued the bounty on my head.


           I arrived on Level 1312, but I had no idea where Ventress lived. I decided to walk around until I ran into her or she into me. Passing by the several stalls with vendors trying to sell their unique collections, I made sure to keep an eye out for anyone that seemed suspicious. The lower levels of Coruscant were filled with criminals eager for any credits they could get a hold of, and a reward from a bounty was sure to satiate that hunger.

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