Chapter 4: A Traitor in the Midst

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          I rushed through the entrance to the Temple, ignoring everyone who attempted to stop me. Who knew how much time I had before the ship was gone? If there was even just a small chance I could have Kane back in my arms once again, I was going to take it, no matter the danger. I couldn't decide whether or not to head towards the Council Chamber or the hangar first. General Shaak Ti did not exactly give me a location to meet her.

"Fives!", someone called out to me from the hallway to my left. "This way! We're getting ready to leave!" It was Rex.

"Coming!", I shouted back. This feeling. I felt adrenaline rushing through my body. I was so close. So close to getting him back.

General Shaak Ti and Captain Rex were waiting for me in front of a Republic cruiser. "Time is of the essence, Fives," she said urgently. "I'll brief you on the way."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, nodding my head in approval as I boarded the ship.

           This seemed like a large-scale mission. Not only was the entirety of the 501st Legion here, but at least another one as well. It was probably the one under the command of General Shaak Ti. "Captain Rex, get with the men and have them ready for battle. I need to speak with Fives alone."

"Yes, General," Rex saluted.

"Follow me, Fives." She took me to a room away from everyone else. "Before I explain why I needed to speak with you alone, I will give you a quick rundown of the mission I have called you to participate in." She pulled up a map of a mining site I was unfamiliar with. "This is a view of the mine we have on the Moon, Cynda, in the Gorse system. One of our troopers saw the ship Obi-Wan and Rex described and reported it immediately to the Council. The resources we acquire from that mine are too valuable to lose possession of. I am sure that they landed there to secure the materials for themselves. It is our job to stop them, and potentially capture Kane."

"What do you mean capture?", I asked, confused.

"He's been poisoned by the Dark Side for too long. He isn't the same person you once knew. I've seen it before. It is not as easy as asking him to come back with us."

"I understand."

"Now," she began to pull something out of her robe, "to the reason why I needed to speak with you in private." She handed me a photograph. Chills ran down my body when I saw it. It was the photo that Kane and I took together at the end of the Clone Wars.

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          I laughed quietly to myself to keep from crying. "We were so happy that day." He had his arm on my shoulder with his other raising his lightsaber into the air. His smile. It was full of joy. I could never forget it. "Wait, I completely forgot. Today is Kane's birthday."

"Yes," said General Shaak Ti. "I found the photograph here, at the command deck. It seemed like it is very special to him."

"This is Kane's cruiser?"

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