Chapter 9: Not Everything is Lost

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          I awoke in the brightly lit Medical Bay in the Jedi Temple. Rex seemed happy to see me awake. "Hey there, sleepyhead," he grinned. "You've been out for a while."

I sat up in the bed and felt the bandages that were wrapped around my abdomen. I winced at the pain, but I was not near as bad as it was before I was taken here. "How long was I out?", I asked him.

"A couple of hours, I'd say," he responded. "Sorry for not knowing the specific time. We're all a little on edge. That Twi'lek-"

"Vinera," I interrupted.

"Vinera...retreated off-world with her Knights. Knowing that she'll return, with possibly even more forces, is worrisome."

"Where's Kane? Is he okay?"

"That I do not know," Rex responded. "Trust me, if I did have any updates on him, you'd be the first to know."

Someone walked into the Med Bay. "Fives, are you well enough to walk." It was General Luminara. She was accompanied by General Kenobi.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, getting off the bed. "Are you taking me to Kane?"

She nodded. "Come with me."

"I'll join you both shortly," added Rex. "I need to speak with General Kenobi about the holocron."

           I was nervous but excited at the same time. "Did the technique you used work?"

"I have reason to suspect that it did; however, he has not woken up yet," she replied. "We will not know for sure until then. I wanted to bring you to him so you could see the result for yourself."

"He's gonna be alright. I'm certain of that."

We stood in front of a closed door. "Try to remain quiet," she advised. "He needs to wake up on his own."

I silently nodded and entered the room with her.

          There he was. Sleeping. A band was wrapped around his arm and was connected to a machine that displayed his vitals. Everything looked normal. I hope that meant that he was back to his old self and that the Darkness has indeed been removed from him. His hand was hanging off the bed. I looked at General Luminara. Aware of what I wanted to do, she whispered, "Go ahead."

"Kane," I said silently as I gently grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. His eyes were closed but they began to slightly move and twitch. He was murmuring words under his breath. It was too quiet for me to understand. "Kane," I whispered. "What are you saying? Is something wrong?" I was starting to get worried. He kept on talking to himself for several minutes. Neither General Luminara nor I could understand what he was trying to say.

           Suddenly, he shot up in his bed, eyes bloodshot. "It's not over," he warned. "She's going to destroy the Galaxy if she has to. She's going to kill me! I know too much!"

"Kane, look at me!", I voiced. "It's okay. Everything is okay now. She's gone."

He looked over to me and I could immediately see the shift in emotions reflect across his face as tears formed in his eyes. "Fives?", he asked. " that... really you?"

I smiled and cried along with him. "Yes, Kane. It's me."

He jumped out of the bed and fell right into my arms. The wire connecting the band to the monitor was disconnected. "I missed you so so much," he wept.

It was hard to talk through the tears. "I missed you too, Kane. I'm so happy I have you back."

Kane turned around to face his Master. "Master, would you mind if I went to a secluded area of the Temple alone with Fives."

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