Chapter 1

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The sun was Shining Down onto the Beach, the waves were glistening with a range of shades of blues, varying from deep woes to bright sparkles. The silky sand swept up and down, being joyfully pushing around by the steady and gentle tide, lazily sloping up and down...
Apart from the one or two odd drifting clouds wandering aimlessly through the sky, the morning was clear. There was, from a distance, a few grey clouds settling near, but too far to cause a disturbance..

It was a beautiful day.

Such a shame.. it had to be this way...
On such a lovely day as well..

After all.. what could stop him now ?


Black. It was dark. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear the steady breathing of someone above me.. The last thing I remember is.. waking up on this strange island.. and then seeing some people I have never met before.

It was overwhelming. How the hell had I ended up here?

And then I had passed out.

Hajime's POV

I wake up from my deep slumber, my head throbbing slightly. I take in what I am seeing. The sun is glaring down upon a figure that is crouching over me.. everyone else I saw earlier is gone. I think.. he was the one who was standing at the back..

"Hey.. are you okay..?" A raspy voice asks me. I focus upon the male figure before me, and take note of his appearance for the first time. Tall, lanky, friendly looking, calm expression and sparkling greyish green eyes, fluffy albino hair sweeping across his pale skin.. he looked like a nice person. I nodded slightly, and then stood up, accepting a hand he had offered, while he talked me. Deciding I have some time to kill, I spent around 15 minutes or so talking to him. He was calm and witty, and was quick with a joke and sarcasm at times.

I like him. He was fun to be around.

Then he offered to show me everyone else who was with us on the island, as well as give me a tour. I accepted, slightly reluctant, and then went with him. From what I can gather, there was :

- A girl who liked killing bugs
- a loud and energetic girl
- a tired person who plays video games
- An annoying and loud school councillor type person
- A kind princess
- An edgelord who loves Hamsters
- A girl who wont stop stuttering
- A creepy Chef
- A baby Gangster
- A girl who has about as much personality as a rock
- A loud and ignorant Coach
- A girl who wont stop eating
- A boy who looks like a walking highlighter

Then there was him.

Nagito Komaeda. That was what he told me. The Ultimate Lucky Student..

And my friend.


The bear had to be joking. We got dragged onto an island that god knows where its located- and now we're in a killing game?! Okay, maybe it wasn't a joke. But seriously, what the actual fuck was his issue, there was no way this could be real. I glanced at Nagito for re-assurance, and saw his face was still a mask if calm.. in other words, hard to read, just as before. I sighed, accepting what the weird bear had said while the others babbled and fought over what was going on.

Today was tedious.
And Tiring..


None of us would kill each other.

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