Chapter 2

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Ignore the image please.


The smiling sun does nothing to affect my mood. No-one can convince me that what I am doing is the wrong thing. I know I am right... besides.

Didn't they want this?

They specifically asked me to do this... well, not everyone..

Kazuichi can make better friends.

Someone who wont weigh him down..

The sky has turned into a tint of blue now. I skipped breakfast again.. now it is almost lunch time, meaning everyone will be heading to the meeting point to eat.



Hajime POV :

Togami had been here just moments before.. so where was he now?! Ugh, he probably just left.. Everyone was busy calming down, and I turned around frantically, trying to see who I could confide my troubles with. Nagito was holding his side as an if he had a stitch, and noticed I was staring and smiles at me and acts like nothing is wrong.

That smile was all I needed. I went over to talk to him, and was able to crack a few laughs as everyone slowly returned back to normal. Me and Komaeda had some fun. He smiled at me, but for some reason he seemed.. disappointed? Ah well.. I drank some orange juice and talked about my theories of the island, while Komaeda listened, sometimes adding on to some of my ideas.

I like spending time with him...

Togami was fine. My friend was alright. We are all okay..

It was just a faulty lightbulb, after all, we were in a run-down warehouse. Akane, the athletic girl, stopped what she was going abruptly, causing the attention of the room to be drawn to her.

She was saying something about smelling something. I sighed. It was probably just the food, after all, she did love eating. I swear, she could eat a horse. I turned to Komaeda and resumed out conversation, but he seemed a bit more at an un-ease by what Akane had said. However,she had to be wrong... right?

At least.. that was what I thought until she pulled up the tablecloth.

*Ding Dong Ding Dong*
"A body has been discovered! Now you only have a limited time until the Class Trial will begin!"

Togami hadn't left.

Togami had been murdered.
And one of us had killed him.

I was frozen on the spot, staring at Togamis lifeless body lying limp on the floor, hunched over s knife.. I shuddered slightly. The first person to move was Mikan who started performing an Autopsy. I forced myself to move and to act. Against my better judgment, I stepped closer to the corpse, and noticed a few odd things.

For a starter, a strange bright green material had been smeared onto some tape had been attached to underneath the table, and seems to have been ripped off.

The next odd thing was that Togami has the same sparkly green stuff on his hand, as well as the knife a little in front of him.

And lastly, he appears to be wearing.. Night Vision Goggles..?

That's odd. But it also explains what was in that second case that Togami had brought with him..

I turn around and walk out, and see Nagito standing there. I approach him and he looks confused at me, and seems reluctant to help me investigate. However, he does more than happy to be here with me, which I suppose is nice. We both go over to Ibuki, and she gives us an account of everything she heard. Apparently, everyone had been in a frantic state during the time...

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