The Bra's Colleague

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The next jolt of the train came without warning and cause Leigh all the more embarrassment. Falling back onto Ash was definitely not something to boost her spirits at that point.

"Shit!" she exclaimed as she fell, Ash catching her just in time. She turned to face him knowing that as much as it pained her to do so, she owed him a thank you. What she didn't expect was for him to be staring at her strangely. Her hand immediately went to her face thinking there was something there. Instead he reached his hand out to give her something: his phone.

"It's for you?"



7:02 AM

Scottsdale, Arizona

"It's for you?" he seemed to question more than state the comment.

"What? Why would someone call me from your phone? I don't even know you!" Leigh momentarily forgot about the words gratitude she was going to express to the still unknown boy and stared in confusion. He shrugged and handed her the phone.

The electronic doors of the train opened before the pair and they walked out together. Moving to a less crowded area of the platform Ash handed Leigh his cell phone.


"Is this Leigh?"

"Yes, who's asking?"

"Good. Look straight to your left and tell me what you see?" the female stranger on the other end of the line avoided the question to reply with her own.

"Umm.. A street? Is this a trick question? Who are you?"

"No more questions. Do you see the red car parked in the side of the road? I want you and Ash to come to the car now,"

Looking up, being a naturally curious person, Leigh spotted the red car her anonymous phone partner had mentioned. The windows were almost completely blacked out but no enough to cause unusual suspicion to the unsuspecting public.

"Why would I do that? And who's Ash?"

During the time of the conversation between the stranger and Leigh, Ash stood beside the redhead and listened to a one-sided conversation, "That would be me," he began to introduce himself, "the name's Ash, and what's your name, beautiful?"

"My name would be none of your concern you cocky asshole,"

"Well then," he mockingly huffed, "The next time you almost kiss the floor with another face plant don't count on me to break your fall!"

"There won't be a next time, don't worry your stupid little head,"

"Excuse you! I am not stupid thank you very much,"

"Oh, okay. Hey Ash look! Oh my God, a dead bird!"

Ash, not the brightest of people, looked up and around for the dead bird in question causing the red-head to double over in laughter.

"Stupidity: exhibit A,"

Ash looked at the girl, slightly confused and completely worried about her sanity as she continued to choke up laughter. Then he got it. He flushed a light pink and hit his palm to his forehead.

"Point taken,"

All talk of the red car awaiting their arrival was forgotten - that was until they heard yelling from the phone.

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