Chapter 5

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"I didn't think you'd actually come birdy"

I roll my eyes at his comment. Why? Does he think just because a man annoyed me it would prevent me from doing things I need to do?

"I was hoping our little chit chat there disappointed you enough to make you cry and not come." He says with a sigh.

"You think too low of me." I say as I smile.

"Why should I think any higher? Magically the pick pocketer ends up pick pocketing a mob boss, who she was banging a few months back. Then wins a vote to be kept alive, and is a now a part of the mafia? You were a slut before you came."

"And you were a dick when I met you and you still are! At least Im not the dick who put a camera in your sluts bathroom!"

He opens mouth but stops once I said "your slut" Closing it revealing a devilish smirk.

I need a cigarette.

The awkward silence fills the elevator on the way down to the basement.

The basement is filled with workout equipment to the left and to the right is where the guns and armory are. Diavolo walks to the shooting range where Enzos is standing at the back of the room and hands me a pistol.

"I don't give a damn where you stand just maintain your balance without falling over. You're safe as long as the pistol doesn't slip out of your hands make sure your gun doesn't fall. Hold it tight. Simply place your finger on the trigger and shoot." Diavolo looks at me indicating for me to shoot

How does he expect me to get this when you're telling me you dont give a damn??

Enzo looks at me with pitty. He pulls out his pistol "Here, you hold it like this. Make sure you have a tight grip on it so it doesn't fall. Make sure you aren't unbalanced so you won't trip and shoot the wrong person. With your pointer on the trigger you apply pressure."

I shoot, pointing my gun directly at the target's head as I have my finger wrapped around the trigger. I press hard on it, flinching back two feet. What the heck?? Am I doing something wrong?

I shot again and kept flinching back




"Pretend the targets me" Diavolo says looking at me

I inhale and picture his face on the wall aiming for the center of his forehead


"I didnt flinch!" I say jumping up and down

He looks at me with a weird look on his face

"You act like a child"

"Yea but at least I made it!" I say doing a victory dance

"Yea but you were just lucky." He says cockily.

My smile fades as he says that

This bitch deserves to be put in place.

As he turns around I shoot him purposely going above his head as the bullet drops. He turns around in shock "Maybe you wont be so lucky next time" I say smiling batting my eyelashes.

I like pistols now

Enzp leads me to a wall to practice throwing knives. I pick up a throwing knife feeling its smoothness without any edges on it. The mass has a lot more mass on the front rather than the handle I notice

"Their are a couple of different techniques to try. But the simplest I can show you to do are the the no spins and the spin technique. For the spin technique you basically need to hold the knife from the handle throwing it to make a complete rotation. First you need to figure out the distance. The length of distance it takes to complete the rotation is going to be how far back you need to be from the target. Start determining how far you should be if the knife is hit by the tip that means you're too close if it hits the side you're too far."

I follow Enzo's instructions as I see Diavolo watching closely

The first attempt I make it doesn't go far. In fact it doesn't even hit the wall or make it to the wall!

I think I'm better with pistols. But a knife would be more lethal so I need to practice.

The second attempt I hit too close.

The third attempt I hit it at the wall it stays, then it drops.

Diavolo is basically laughing at me at this point.

Im this close to stabbing him and making a run for it.


I hit the knife and it stays on the board.

"Impressive" he says in a sarcastic tone.

"To hit a no spin you can hit it using the rothorn way. It was created in America place ur leg from behind and have your knife tightly gripped having the weight of your body from behind. Then release your knife with your index finger using the weight of your body."

The no spin way is easier than the full spin why teach me the full spin first?

As I do the no spin it hits the wall as expected. "Why teach the full spin first?" "To see you struggle" he says smiling happily."Bitch" I say flipping him off.

Enzo laughs at the comment I make "Well I got to go take care of something Diavolo, Bye Sal!

I wave at him as he enters the elevator

After I stare at Diavolo waiting for him to teach me something

"I'll teach you self defense."

He shows me self defense techniques like the hammer strike, groin kick which was my favorite one because I got to try on him, Heel palm strike, elbow strike, and the bear hug attack escapism.

Going up to take a water break he also tells me "You're gonna need a personal trainer. If you're gonna be my assistant you must stay fit and maintain your health. She'll be here at 5 in the morning you'll be training for 9 hours every monday to friday for a month before the ball."

A ball?

"The mafia one?"

He nods. "You need to be prepared and ready for I'll be introducing your place and your connection to us, and you need to help steal a thing or two."



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