Chapter 7

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My alarm rings at 5 in the morning

I fucking hate working out, I dont have the time for that shit or getting early

Last night at like 12pm Diavolo asked me to get up early so I could train with him.

As I click the snooze button, I wipe my tired eyes, opening my curtains to let in the early light.

I slowly walk to my bathroom, grab my toothbrush, and clean my teeth while searching through my belongings for my brush and a rubber band. Putting my hair into a high ponytail.

I splash my face with water to wake me up a bit more and head to my closet to grab a sports bra and some shorts.

I head downstairs to the living room to grab a granola bar. While entering the the living room, I'm welcomed by Lucia and Enzo, who are both fully awake.

Enzo waves, and I wave back, trying not to be impolite. For it is early in the morning and I can be pretty grumpy."How come you guys are up so early?"

"I couldn't get any sleep I'm too eager about the ball tonight." "And Enzos trapped with paperwork Diavolo is forcing him to do before the ball," Lucia continues. Nodding his head, Enzo ask "What about you?"

"Today Mr. Devil wants me to train with him" I say rolling my eyes.

I really hate that bitch. I hope he knows that.

I grab a granola bar unwrapping it and bite into it watching a few minutes of Grey's Anatomy that's playing on the tv.

While eating my granola bar Lucia brings up a conversation about the ball and the protocols we need to follow. "Be here at noon, we need to get ready."

I nod in response. Throwing away the wrapper of my finished granola bar.

"Bye guys, get some rest before the ball" I yell as I make my way to the hallway of the elevator

"Thank you, we'll try!" Lucia yells back

When the elevator reaches the lowest level, I take my phone and start listening to my playlist I made the night before, but I quickly press pause freezing when I see Diavolo across the room, skin moist, half naked, pounding his fist into the punching bag.

He looks so hot under this dim light.


You shouldn't be thinking that. Stop that brain.

"Well good morning to you too little birdy! Like what you see" he says smirking continuing to punch the punching bag while turning around to see me from across the room

"Good morning Diavolo" I say, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Good morning Birdy. Ready to start training?" he says with a bright smile on his face.

"Why are we training again? Shouldn't we be sleeping right now?"

"Well I dont think I prepared you enough. I'm worried of what will become of you if they ever try to take you." He says shrugging

"Aw the devil himself cares for me?" I ask saying sarcastically

"No. I just dont want to clean up another mess and have another unimportant kidnapping happen. If you did ever get taken. I probably wouldn't care." he replies back.


"Same for me" I say looking at him as he unwraps his hand straps.

We walk into the workout room, Luckily the floors are covered with soft flooring so it won't hurt if he did go full on beast mode on me which, I hope he doesnt.

I gulp before entering the room.

"Do you think we'd be able to get along for two hours?" I ask him with a sincere look on my face

"I doubt that. One of us would be leaving the room alive, and the other dead."

He says laughing

"Im texting Lucia this. If I die they know it was you. "

We were on our fourth and last round after an hour and three rounds

I take a step to the side, striking my fist at the jackass who just left a fucking bruise on my face.

"How am I supposed to go to the ball with a fucking bruise on the left side of my face?" I ask punching him harder.

He catches my swing laughing at me and replying back with, "I don't know, makeup?"

"You're not going to win this fight princessa," he says  as I kick him in the crotch.

"Bitch," he says, as I laugh watching him whine in pain

He crushes me to the ground angrily, straddling me, the sound of his heavy breaths filling the room, the warmth of his body combining with mine whispering in my ear as he leans in closer. "Do you like this position? Does this give you pleasure?" he says as his breath gives me chills.

I stop laughing and an angry look probably appears on my face.

Go fuck yourself.

I build up all the anger in me and headbutt him across the face leaving me smirking at the pain he's receiving.

"Do you like that Diavolo? Do you like the pain" I look at him laughing seeing the annoyed look on his face.

He gets off of me

"Fuck Birdy your big ass head is gonna leave a bruise on my head" He says walking up to the mini fridge.

"Now we're both even," I exclaim, smiling as he grabs two ice packs for my left side of the face and his forehead.

"Thank you, Mr. Devil," I say as I exit the training room and proceed upstairs to prepare for the ball.

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