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As soon as I woke up the next morning, I knew Trevor was still upset about yesterday. He was not in the bed with me, and it was only half past 5 in the morning. Even the alarm hadn't gone off yet.

I got up, and went out in search of him. He was not in the bathroom, nor in the kitchen. The living room was also empty. Finally, I found him in the study, typing away something on his computer.

"Good morning babe."

"Morning. You up already?" He sounded aloof.

"Yeah. You were not in the bed with me. I was cold." I went behind him and put my arms around his shoulders.

"Yeah, about that. I had a mail to sort out. Do you want to go for a run?" he asked.

"No, let's skip run today. We could just stay in bed. Under the sheets, hot and sweaty," I said, placing a kiss just under his ear.

He groaned. Pulling me onto his lap, he kissed me. There was an urgency and passion in that kiss. As I as was about to pull his tshirt off, he pulled away.

"Are you still upset with me?" I asked him, getting up from his lap.

He caught my wrist and pulled me back on his lap.

"I'm not upset with you. I'm just mad that you went to see that man in the hospital. You two have a history together. It's clear that you cared deeply for him." He buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"There you said it. We have a history together. But what I have with you is in the present, and future. That's totally different."

"I'm really sorry babe if it came across as anything else. But it was the middle of the night and none of his friends or family knew about that accident. I didn't wait long after his surgery. I drove back without seeing him."

I apologized. I knew he had a right to be mad at me.

He sighed softly, tickling my neck. I squeaked.

"You're ticklish?" He had that mischievous glint in his eyes. He was back.

"Umm, no?" I moved to get up from his lap, but he again pulled me back on his lap.

"Oh baby, I'm so gonna enjoy this."

And just like that, he had his hands under my tshirt, tickling my sides. And I was laughing uncontroled.

Then his hands started to move up, cupping my breasts under the shirt. I gasped under his touch, and exactly at that moment he captured my mouth in a kiss.

Soon my tshirt was off and so was his. He picked me up and walked over to his couch in the study. I felt cool leather on my back, and then he was all over me. Touching and kissing.

And I knew. I was forgiven.


It was Wednesday evening, and I was cooking myself dinner. Olive was with her dad, as he was in town today. She left me a message that she would be late.

As I was about to place my parmesan coated chicken on the pan, when the doorbell went off. I opened the door to Alex.

"Hey Alex. How are you?"

"Hey Mia. I'm good. How about you?" he returned the pleasantries.

"I'm good too. Liv's not home." I ushered him in, closing the door behind us.

"Yeah. I know, she texted me," he looked nervous,"I actually wanted to talk to you. Alone."

"Why are you so nervous?" And then it struck me.

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