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Guess who.? 👆👆👆


So we finally ended up not cancelling the meeting. Rest of the day at office was pretty much normal as everyday. I mean apart from Trevor asking me out on a date, nothing interesting happened. We stole a few kisses here and there. It was almost too good to be true.

By 6.30, I was back at the apartment. Finally Liv was back. I was so happy, I could finally share it with someone. I almost squealed like a little girl hugging her tightly.

"Woah Woah Woah there. What happened, why so damn happy.?" Liv asked, grounding me slightly.

"Trevor asked me out on a date. Finally, I'm so happy." I said, dragging her towards the couch and sitting down.

"Slow down. He asked you out, out of the blue.? I'm confused. Explain." She asked again.

And so I did. I told her about that almost kiss in my car, and the kiss at the party and what he said to me in the garden. And what happened today, he asked me out and I said yes. And we kissed again, and again, and again.

"Woah. I was gone for a couple of days and this is the news I come home to. I guess the next time I'm out for the weekend, you'll tell me that you are getting married." She said, hugging me tightly.

"Enough about me. Tell me, how was your weekend with Alex.?" I asked her.

"It was fun. His parents were their usual sweet loving kind. His mother actually reminds me of how my mother should have actually been." She said.

"Well atleast you enjoyed." I said, finally getting up and walking towards my room.

"Let me just freshen up and change. And then we can make dinner together." I said.

"Okay." She replied from the kitchen.

It took me almost 20 minutes to change and freshen up myself. When I went into the kitchen, I found her chopping up onions.

"Hey, what are we having for dinner.?" I asked.

"Mushroom Risotto. Sounds good.?" She asked back.

"Perfect." I replied and joined her in the kitchen.

Most of the time was spent with us chatting and cooking simultaneously in the kitchen. Evenings were never boring when Liv was home. That was the reason why I did not like living alone in the apartment. With her, it was always better.

"Hey, one of us needs to go grocery shopping. We are out of a few things." Liv reminded me.

"Okay, just leave out a list of whatever we need tomorrow morning. I will pick them up on my way home tomorrow." I replied.

"Perfect then."

I was in my bed, about to sleep when I heard the notification ding from my phone. It was a message from Trevor.

'Good night beautiful. ;)'

Just this simple text and there was a smile on my face. I texted him back and set my phone aside.

Next day again I was early at the office and Trevor was late as usual. But as soon as he was in the office, everything was a whirlwind. Some big client had asked for a meeting next week and maybe Stephen thought they were an important client. So me and Trevor had a too much hectic day with our finance team.

It was almost 4pm when I decided to pop in his office. It was past midday and we did not have one moment alone.

"Hey boss. Busy.?" I popped in the office.

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