New Start

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Not edited! Sorry for all mistakes I am only human. This is the same story that was posted but just redoing it so its listed as new. Date first posted was Jan 10th, 2014.

All names, towns, and small town stores are made up ( bands are all real. )

Any names that may be made up are not linked to any other stories or events of real life. All made up just for your reading pleasure.

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Chapter 1




"Shut up Mary!" Dylan yelled in the small car.

"Leave me alone and go back to whatever you were doing." I replied.

"Ugh! Why does my sister have to be such a weirdo?" he fussed to no one.

Sighing I went back to looking out of the car window.

"We are almost to the new town kids. Oh! I can't wait to see our new home!" Our mom gushed.

Both my brother and I groaned. The reasons are far from the same. He is mad we had to leave all his beloved friends behind while on my end I get stuck going to a new school to be known as a 'gothic' outcast again.

I don't have a problem with goths but I'm not goth. People just call me goth because I dress in mostly black with chains and skulls. I just like them.

"Kids! We are here!" our mom calls out about ten minutes later as she damn near jumps out of the car.

My brother and I step out of the car looking around our new street. Most of the house are huge with some smaller houses here and there. Looking to the house mom calls our new home I see one of the smaller houses.

"Well come on. Grab your bags and check out your rooms." our mom told us.

We each grabbed our bags and walked to the house. I stopped in the middle of the yard getting a better look at the house. It was pale almost puke green in color with what looked like a oak door with a small glass window at the top.

"Damn that color is ugly. I hope mom wants to repaint it." Dylan spoke behind me.

I was so busy looking at the house that I didn't even know he was still behind me. I just nodded to what he said.

"So you guys are the people moving into the Johnson house?" a voice spoke behind Dylan.

We both turned around to see a guy that looked to be about 17 or so.

"Didn't know the house had a name." I mumbled as I pretty much dragged my bags into the house.

"Oh, Mary you found your way in. Was starting to think you turned to a lawn gnome." my mom joked.

Shaking my head I stood at the bottom step looking up. Something told me this would only get worst. I make my way up to the room mom told me was mine. Opening the door I groaned.

The room had to have every color in the rainbow in it. I don't mind bright colors but this was too much for me. I set my bags down next to the boxes the moving trucks already dropped off.

Walking over to the window to look out I see that it's the front yard. I look down to see Dylan still talking to the guy. No doubt they will be good friends. Dylan was always good at making friends. At our old school I had a friend named Kelly. We met when we started high school and have been friends from that day on. I don't believe in having a lot of friends. I only have friends I know will stay true.

Coming back from my own world I look out the window to see Dylan walking to the house and the guy looking at the house. We met eyes before I turned away to head down to find my mom.

After Dylan joined us mom called in a pizza from a flyer she found on the table. About 25 minutes there was a knock at the door.

"Can one of you get that? That should be the pizza. Money is by the door." my mom yelled from somewhere in the house.

"I'm unpacking." Dylan yelled from his room.

"I got it then." I yelled so they knew.

Picking up the money from the table by the door I opened to door to see a boy who looked like he really didn't want to be working holding a pizza bag.

"Um did you order three middle sized pizzas and three bottles of soda?" the boy asked.

"I guess that's what she ordered. How much is it?" I replied to him.

"It will be $19.13." he answered.

I handed him the $25 my mom sat on the table. He handed me the pizzas and the sodas.

"Have a good night." he said nodding.

I nodded back and shut the door just as Dylan was coming down the steps.

"Needs some help?" he asked.

I just nodded and he grabbed the pizza taking them to the kitchen to set them down.

After everyone ate it was starting to get dark. We all set out to our rooms to get our bed ready and maybe unpack a little.

When I was done with my bed, unpacking some outfits and some things that I need for the night or the next day I got stuff for a shower. I went to my bathroom that was in my room.

After my shower I turned on some music and turned off the light I walk to the window. Looking out the window and over all the houses on the street we now live on was somewhat calming.

Stepping back from the window I crawled into my new bed calling it a night. Soon I was fast asleep listening to all the bands I love.

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