if you need a girl/boyfriend

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if you need a girl/boyfriend

but i care, if you need it as an escape route

an escape from what?

from those lips who judge you because you are alone?
from those stares who sympathize for your sad love stories?
from those hopes to make you happier person in a couple bond?
from those typed words to calm you down?
from your every loved ones who need to see you with someone, then feel secure about it?
from every damned side of world which cornered you?

don't mind them.

"if you need a girl/boyfriend
just search and try it
maybe you will feel somethin."

i really hate that idea
it troubled me
even gave me a headache, please realize that's not a wise choice
still, i believe you won't do that

i will always on your side if you pick a person for yourself to greet your life, whoever makes you happiest,
i will just agree without a hesitation
i don't care about their gender, sex, or sexual orientation
if you feel: it's the right thing,
just do it

if you don't feel anything yet,
a little confused,
never forget,
you have many people to ask
you never alone to get second opinion

let me write somethinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang